Wednesday, 7 August 2013

A Recap and an Update

David and Molly Dog arrived yesterday.  We had a fortnight of brilliant weather made even more brilliant by an almost complete lack of midges.  Then we had five days of wind and very heavy showers and no midges.  Yesterday the weather improved but the midges had been bussed in again to torment the unwary (and the wary for that matter).  They are even worse this morning.  I'm not sure what the day will bring but it won't see me in the garden very much that's for sure unless either the winds gets up to keep the midges down or I resort to wearing my midge suit.  This is a tad unfortunate because the wet weather has caused a proliferation of the weeds in the garden including one massive thistle of some sort which grew the size of a dinner plate in just a few days.  C'est la vie.

Anyway I thought I'd show you a few more photos from the weekend visit:

Helen posting a postcard to her Dad in one of his favourite postboxes
The view of Stornoway from Gallows Hill in the Lews Castle Grounds
The wilds of Uig - western Lewis
....and a few minutes later than the previous photograph facing up the coast instead of inland
The Lews Castle from Gallows Hill
Helen and Ian on the machair overlooking Cnip beach and bay in Uig


  1. The midges were on top form this morning. Best they flew out before the inundation.
    Great set of pictures. Lewes Castle is spot on.
    Helen's bum looks to be better than middling, couldn't you have got more snaps?

    1. Dangerous ground there Adrian.

    2. I suspect that means no....No harm in asking.....I hope.

  2. Oh Glory Be - WHAT ARE YOU LIKE!!!

    1. Pat I assumer that's a reference to Adrian's comment.

    2. Pat, I have much greater admiration for a young ladies bottom than a letter box on a stick.
      I think that's normal.
      Graham, to quell my fantasies; in future when Helen goes to the post could you zoom in on the hand, card and post box. Photographs are supposed to tell a story. I just got muddled up. Please forgive me but it's mostly your fault. I just got confused.

  3. I love seeing these pics from the other side of the world! How do you pronounce Uig??

    1. I'm not very good at working out pronunciation Lisa because you and I may pronounce words differently but I'll have a go. Some people pronounce it U as in you. I as in pig. G as in good. Some pronounce the U as in oo. I hope that helps.

  4. If it weren't so far away, and if I had plenty of time and money on my hands, I'd definitely pay this beautiful place a visit!

    1. I'd be very happy to show you around Meike. I have little doubt that you'd love it. There is plenty of walking to be done as well.

  5. I think I'd enjoy visiting your part of the's beautiful, midges or no midges.
    How often is that postbox cleared? I have never seen one on a pole before. It looks like a cute decoration to me and not functional.
    Loved the castle photo.

    1. Virginia the postbox is cleared at 10.30am every day except Sunday. A lot of ours in the Island are on poles too. It's more beautiful without the midges!

  6. Wonderful views, Graham. The blue sky in the 4th picture is amazing... I also imagine I can "feel" in these photos how fast the clouds must have been moving! :)

    1. Monica we have big skies and they change constantly and quickly as you had surmised.


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