Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Where is the Green Glass Bowl?

I've been writing a few wordy posts recently and there are more to come so I thought I'd just post a few photos today.
Midsummer in Ullapool
Molly being, well, Molly!
The view across the bay from my house.  I never, ever get tired of looking at that view.
 I could do without the sea mist this evening, of course.
As for the green glass bowl.  I said that Gaz and Carol could borrow it for a BBQ salad on Saturday.  It's not that long ago since I used it.  So where on earth is it?   It can't be that difficult to find 'cos it's large.  Anyone would think I lived in a mansion. 


  1. Try looking in the 'fridge. That's where I found my purse the other day. What does that say about my mind?

    1. Oh dear. I think it says you need to relax a bit.

    2. The fridge? Pat even with my absent-minded ways I've never left my wallet in the fridge.

  2. I suspected you living in a mansion for some time now, Graham, and all your denying now is useless!

    The view across the bay from your mansion is truly spectacular, and I guess I am not alone in saying that, just as you don't ever tire of looking at it from one of the many wings of your mansion, I don't ever tire of looking at pictures of that view.

    1. I just live in a rather curious house Meike. The original house was built nearly 100 years ago and once housed a Mum, Dad, Grandmother and four children. That structure is now my living room and guest bedroom. That says more about the conditions people lived in up to 30+ years ago than it does about the largeness of my house. Since then the house has been extended higgledy piggledy (gosh, the spillchucker allowed those two words) by it's subsequent owners. I've been it's owner and keeper for the last 20 years.

  3. The bowl is probably right under your nose in some very obvious place. Things one is searching for all over the house usually are!
    Like Meike I never get tired of seeing photos of your view either.

    1. This is now confession time, Monica! I've just found the bowl. It was exactly where I thought it was and where I originally looked (in the loft) but I'd put a box on top of it and didn't realise it. I felt both relieved and silly when I found it.

    2. I know the feeling. Out at the House earlier this summer I was looking for a duster (multicoloured synthetic feather kind) that I seemed to recall we should have. Couldn't find it anywhere. Bought a new one at the supermarket before going out there this past weekend. Then of course Per found the old one (when looking for something else!) - in plain view in the cupboard where it was supposed to be. I can only assume that my brain was set on seeing it hanging from a hook, while in fact it was lying down horizontally. Doesn't matter (we could do with a new one anyway) but it does illustrate my thesis ;) Glad you found the bowl (and not in the freezer).

  4. Graham, it's thick as a bag here but most of the midges have gone. I think I did Ullapool proud. Ullapool is just like your picture, even on a sunny day.
    You caught the view from your house better than I did.....a wonderful shot.
    Gaz has stolen the bowl it's what Scousers do best is nicking bowls or anything else that isn't welded solid.

    1. You did Ullapool very proud Adrian. I still haven't managed a picture like that. One day...... As a Scouser I resemble your scurrilous slur. Or was that supposed to be 'resent'... Oddly yesterday despite no wind and it being lovely and (relatively) warm there were no midges here either. All very odd.

  5. Maybe you catalogued it with the books and put it away in the book case.

    1. None of my bookcases are large enough for this bowl Virginia - it's quite a big one!

  6. amusing comments from varied readers! I long for the view you enjoy daily!

    1. I know, Norma, that I am a very lucky person.

  7. and maybe Virginia is right, I was looking in a cabinet for a book, and I found Myah's sippy cup that she'd stored there!

    1. I can't even blame a cat Norma - I don't have any pets.

  8. I always look in the deep freeze first - ever since the time I found my pantyhose there! It will turn up, very close to where it 'should' be, I imagine. Meanwhile, just enjoy the view!

    1. Fridges, freezers, what is it with you girls? I think I'd better go and check if that is where son-who-watches-films has left his missing passport.

    2. John, the ice box in my fridge is now the first place I look for my mobile phone.

    3. What Pauline? Your pantyhose in the freezer? I hope you warmed them up before putting them on. I was going to say that I don't think I've ever put anything odd in my fridge but then I remembered that I do occasionally try and put things meant for the fridge in the cupboard next door to it.

    4. I've never tried putting clothes in the freezer, although on a number of occasions I've walked into the kitchen with an armful of laundry and opened the fridge instead of the washing machine door.

    5. I think, Mark, that there may be hope for some of us after all seeing as you are still a youngster compared with most of us commenting.

    6. I was tempted to say that I didn't have age as an excuse :)

  9. What I want to know is why you would put a bowl that you both use and lend in the loft. I LOVE your view.

    1. My floored and windowed loft is easily accessed by a Ramsey ladder and I just use it as a huge cupboard Frances.


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