Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The Lews Castle Grounds

Yesterday morning on my way into town I could see smoke rising over Stornoway. It emanated from smouldering areas in the Lews Castle Grounds.   No one seemed to be taking much notice.  Parts of it were still smoking this morning.  Oh well.  I'm sure that someone's keeping an eye on it.

Last weekend was the Hebridean Celtic Festival with it's colourful array of marquees:

Just below which is the jetty from which youngsters were getting sailing tuition:

All in all Stornoway is really buzzing at the moment.


  1. Hope the small fires have burnt themselves out on the castle grounds by now.
    Sometimes, folks here burn certain patches of earth where a wild vine (hard to eradicate) grows....it smothers and kills everything it comes in contact with, and it aptly known as "Love Vine."
    Maybe the castle groundsman was getting rid of some unwanted patches of weeds....will we ever know?

    1. With everything tinder-dry at the moment Virginia I don't think anyone would try a burn-off.

    2. Well, Virginia, it looks as though you were correct and I was wrong. I'm told that it is a controlled burn-off. Given the tinder-dry conditions with the fire services telling everyone to avoid fires it seems a singularly foolhardy thing to do. The area is still burning this morning. The fire appears to have gone down into the peat which, when dry, is used as a fuel.

  2. Something as exciting as this is bound to be in the Stornoway Gazette. I always miss the interesting things.

    1. It usually does Adrian and the Hebrides News website as well but that's silent so far. Last years fires went almost global!

  3. You seem to be keeping your distance from the busy town buzz as well as from the beach ;)

  4. That Celtic Festival sounds like fun. Did you not go to see it?
    Do you like sailing? Just wondering.

    1. It's a music festival, Kay. Much as I love a lot of the music I'm not really into standing up for hours surrounded by midges. It's very popular though and my son went as well as a lot of other people I know. Although I do enjoy live performances I like to listen to my music in comfort. I do like sailing although I rarely sail. When my son gets his boat I'll be out there though (provided I'm not too ancient by then).

    2. I'm sure Gareth will invest in a davit and bosun's chair to get you in and out of the boat. However, if he takes you out and starts putting chains around your ankles, that's a bad sign!


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