Thursday, 4 July 2013

Thankful Thursday

I've been very remiss recently in not reminding myself on Thursdays that I have a life for which I should be very thankful.

It can be no secret to my readers that I dislike the cold.  I've been listening to the weather forecast and the presenter said that the nights would be very warm and muggy in much of England.

Here on Lewis the nights are quite chilly even on the warmest days and I can sleep easily and snugly under my duvet.

Would I trade a cool bedroom for hot days?  Here in the UK that's a difficult one.  In New Zealand if it gets intolerably warm at bedtime I just give The Cottage a cool blast with the air conditioning.  Here the idea of having air conditioning is not something that has ever entered my head.

So today I'm thankful for the weather I have (regardless what I might say next time on a midsummer day I have to put two extra layers of clothes on).


  1. I'm still wearing my duvet jacket most days. I prefer cold weather to hot.

    1. I prefer hot to cold during the day I have to say but at night it can be as cold as it wants.

  2. I'm the opposite of Adrian and prefer hot weather to cold anytime.
    But even I do admit that it is a bit of a challenge to wear business clothes at more than 30 Celsius; we've had a few days in June at around 35 Celsius, and I was grateful that on those particular days my presence at the customer's office was not required and I was able to work from home, where it doesn't matter what I am (or am not) wearing.
    Today and yesterday, we've had nothing but rain; I hope it'll stop by afternoon, because I want to go for a run. So, I'll be extra grateful if I can go running tonight :-)

    1. It's so long since I had to wear business clothes Meike that I've almost forgotten what it's like. Since I actually wrote that (it was scheduled) we've had constant unpleasant weather. Do I care? No/ I'm just doing inside things instead.

  3. When it's cold you can always put more clothes on, I guess. It's cloudy that I don't like. Muggy bright cloudy weather is my absolute worst.

    1. To be honest Jenny I can cope with anything except very high humidity but hot, sunny and dry with a hint of breeze and I'm in heaven.

  4. Been very grateful for a range of lightweight, long Merino tops here recently - then the weather went from -5C overnight to 17 C days so had to abandon those....
    One advantage of a "character villa" is that there is always somewhere cool. and you are right - a very hot night just needs a bit of air conditioner time to make it possible to sleep, maybe a fan....
    Glad you're getting some warmth over there.

    1. Fiona one of the things I admire about New Zealand is that people just adapt. If it's cold they put more clothes on. In the UK if it's cold they wear the same clothes and turn up the heating. Inside, of course. Mind you I've noticed that changing a bit even in the last 8 years that I've been staying in NZ.

  5. I don't mind cold nights if I am at home in front of the heater or snug in bed. Otherwise I struggle to be thankful for winter weather. Except, of course, the mornings when the fog and mist hang in the valleys. There's always something to be thankful for.

    1. Warmth, Pauline, is relative. Warm here is 12 C at the moment and hot is 15 C. In NZ I'd be dressed with 4 layers at that temperature. Just like I am here.

  6. I'm not a lover of cold weather....give me the warmth of a summer day any day.
    Here we've been having rainy days, followed by overcast days, then HOTT days with sunshine and rain showers in between.
    Our hurricane season started last month in June, and the weather has been quite antsy since then after the long drought that we had.
    I'm thankful for both the sun and the rain in various degrees.

    1. As I said in earlier comments Virginia I love heat but not humidity. But, hey, I take what I'm given. I'm around to enjoy it.

  7. It's been kind of humid here today in spite of neither really hot and sunny nor rainy, just cloudy. They say sunnier and warmer weather is on its way though. I prefer it when the days are warm (not hot) and nights cool... Doesn't happen very often but we had a few such days in June! My definition of "hot" probably somewhere between your Lewis and your NZ standards ;)

    1. In reality Monica it would be very boring if it everything was the same and predictable. Just watching this morning's forecast everyone in Britain is expecting beautiful and hot weather except, you guessed it, the very North-West of Scotland ie here!

  8. Hot weather will always win over cold. However, it must be said that "hot" in the north of Aus (where I live) can be extremely unpleasant due to the very high humidity. If I'm going to be hot, I prefer dry heat (which only happens in the southern part of Aus!

    1. Yes, Liz, hot always wins for me too except when it's humid and I don't think anyone likes that.


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