Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Some People Have an Ivy

I have goldfish: hungry goldfish.  Today some of the pellets fell onto the leaves of the waterlilies.  What followed really surprised me.  The fish spent an hour or so trying to get them.

Okay I accept that they are not as cuddly as Ivy, nor as mischievous but I do enjoy them.


  1. You'll soon have them trained to jump up and eat out of your hand... ;) Really good photos, they DO look hungry!

    1. Monica, Virginia said that they would come if I waggled my fingers in the pond and fed them and they do. They come for Pat too. Ever since I cleaned the pond they have been taking three meals a day. Until I get lots of plants established and there is more natural food (which I obviously removed when I killed the blanket weed and a lot of the green algae which was choking the pond) I will have to make sure that they get well fed.

  2. Do you think it needed a challenge? Do pets shops sell toys for goldfish?

    (PS How did you take those amazing photos without falling in?)

    1. I wonder, Frances, if there is an opportunity there. I try not to fall in it can have serious consequences for the camera and upset the fish.

  3. AND some people have a Brownie.....
    Great photos.
    Please tell me you scraped the pellets off so they could have them after the photo shoot....they're adorable and getting quite big.
    Did you name them as yet?

    1. Ha. Yes Virginia. You said they'd come if I waggled my fingers in the pond when I fed them and they do. I did make sure they got the pellets although they seemed to be enjoying the challenge. Can goldfish enjoy something I wonder? I haven't got around to naming them yet either.

  4. I think the goldfish would be more of a photographic challenge for you, so very appropriate pets. They surely deserved a good feed after posing for you so well. Great shots!

  5. Thanks Pauline. They do seem quite happy and that makes me happy. I'm easily pleased.


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