Sunday, 7 July 2013

Every Day is Sunday

I cannot recall a time when I have spent so many consecutive days in the house:  I have hardly even set foot in the garden for more than the time it takes to feed the fish and the birds, clean the pond filters, plant the occasional plant or do a bit of clearing.   The weather has been a very significant factor but so has the tennis, British Grand Prix, MotoGP, Tour de France and a mountain of 'paperwork' which I can do with the television on - albeit I do neither with full concentration.  

I've made the occasional foray into town but they have been occasional.  Gaz and Carol came back from a week away on Thursday so I met Gaz for a coffee and a bacon roll next morning at The Woodlands after I'd been to have yet more blood tests (don't ask, it's nothing to do with me, I feel fine), fuelled the car and done some odds and ends and all the shopping I hope I'm likely to need for a while.

The overall effect of all this is that every day seems to feel like a Lewis Sunday.


  1. Sounds to me like you could need some home time like that, usually always running about from one place to another ;) Catching up on paperwork is tedious but hopefully you'll feel good when it's done. Hope your weather will improve soon and allow you to enjoy your lovely garden and view!

    1. You are correct, of course, Monica , and I've enjoyed it too.

  2. I'm trying to work out if I'd consider that a bad thing or not. I think a sequence of relaxing days at home would actually be quite nice! Mind you if you're weather isn't being too kind then I shouldn't really mention we are having highs of 27C without a drop of wind :)

    1. Mark the weather has changed completely this afternoon and it's 16 deg and full sun. Of course being a Sunday I can'r go out and cut the grass. Being the Wimbledon Men's Final and the GP I'm not sure I'd want to anyway.

  3. Your "every day is Sunday" reminds me of my Dad who sometimes says (only half joking) that he never has a holiday any more since he retired around 10 years ago.
    I do know for sure that I would not get bored easily if I were to retire now, but there's still quite a few years of work ahead. One day, though, it will be my turn to "complain" about never having a holiday anymore :-)

    1. Your Dad is correct Meike. Our whole concept of life changes when we retire. Another thing that many retired people say is that they have no idea how they managed to find time to work. I always feel profound sadness for people who retire and find that they have no other interests to fill their lives.

  4. Another lovely day here, 15C, no work today, and I've missed half of it because I was up half the night watching the tennis. Glad you've been enjoying your enforced confinement.

    1. And what a way to spend your nights Pauline! The weather yesterday (Sunday) was beautiful but, of course, being a Sunday I couldn't mow the lawns. Today as the rest of the UK basks in the high 20s I'm looking out and wondering whether the rain will stay off long enough for me to get my grass cut.

  5. At least you're occupied with interesting stuff indoors, and not getting into trouble.
    It's been so HOTT here, that I'm cowering inside with the fans on, and drinking lots of liquids.
    I love's a special day for me. I look forward to a new week every Sunday now I'm retired. When I was in the corporate world, Sundays meant the beginning of a hard work how things have changed.

    1. Me get into trouble Viginia? Perish the thought. I've been a good boy for a while now.

  6. so why the blood tests? I'm on the edge of my chair curious as my cat Ting! I hope there will be no bad news with the results.
    My Sundays are when I do very little aside from reading and watching my favorite TV shows that I've recorded. The amount of rain here has made my containers of flowers very lush. I'm quite pleased, last summer I spent almost all of it indoors because of the relentless heat and no precipitation.
    You sound like you are very busy so I'm sure that you're not bored!

    1. I should have the results this afternoon Norma. I'll let you know. As for being bored I can't even begin to remember when I was last bored.

  7. And that should be a good thing, right? Our Sundays are any day that don't require focused attention. That being said, Sundays are usually the relaxing days of the week for us as well.

    1. It's been a very Good Thing Lisa. I've thoroughly enjoyed my little period of calm.

  8. A bacon roll at The Woodlands. Mmmm. That sound good.

    1. Far too few visits to The Woodlands this summer so far CJ.


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