Sunday, 21 July 2013

Costa del Bayble

Today has been as warm and as beautiful as one is likely to experience in Scotland's Outer Hebrides: even paradise cannot rival it.

Down at the pier - and bearing in mind it's a Lewis Sabbath - it was as crowded as I've ever seen it:

It's not all that long ago that a local fishing boat out on the Sabbath would have been unthinkable too.

Even on Lewis the words Bob Dylan's words herald the inevitable:
The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.


  1. So your island has moved into the 1960's...? ;) I have a book with Dylan's collected lyrics 1962-2001... I'm glad you're getting a share of the sunny weather. Yesterday was the warmest day all summer here too (and we've been having an unusually dry and sunny one).

    1. It's still beautiful here this morning Monica but the rest of the UK seems to be having the post-hot-period thunderstorms. I think the poor weather is moving up from the South but for the time being I'll bask in the sun! As for the Island moving into the 60s? The jury's out on that so far as some things are concerned! Funnily I wasn't a Dylan fan then.

  2. Nice to see so many children (and their seniors) enjoying the summer weather. We had a gloriously warm, sunny day here today spoilt only by reminders of the rocking and rolling going on further south.

    1. Yes, Pauline, everyone was taking advantage of the sun. I've been following the quakes. Scary stuff.

  3. Were you in the water, too?
    Every time I went to Scarborough, I was amazed at how people would not just enjoy the beach, but actually go in - I had enough just dipping my toes in. It is, after all, the North Sea out there, and if you'd swim in a straight line, you'd reach Norway.

    1. No Meike I didn't even go down to the beach. I'm not very gregarious when I can have the beach to myself for most of the time. And, as you implied, it is very cold in that water although I have swum in the sea many years ago in October when it's warmed up with the gulf stream - still very cold though.

  4. I remember when the supermarkets wanted to open on Sundays, the furore that that caused, requiring government legislation.
    Now all manner of stores are open on Sundays, if only for the morning hours in some cases.
    Sundays are a church day and beach day here on the island.
    Noisy neighbours on Sundays are still frowned upon.
    It's good to see folks enjoying the sunshine over in your neck of the woods....hope you made the most of it too.

    1. We do have a shop open on Sunday now and the plane and ferries run on Sunday too although all that's relatively recent. I used to resent being unable to enjoy my garden on a Sunday given that I worked the other six days. To me gardening was relaxation.

  5. Disgusting I call it....Fancy you raising a camera and clicking on the Sabbath. It is forecast to thunder tomorrow so you be careful. The Wee Frees will have been watching and the Lord will have been informed of your transgression.
    They were not enjoying themselves but baptising each other.

  6. Change is, I suppose, inevitable. I prefer improvement though.

    1. I don't think Marcel that the former necessarily precludes the latter. I'm inclined to the view that having transport links on a Sunday is definitely a Good Thing. Having Engies open is a tremendous benefit and is, I've been told, their busiest day, but I'd not be in favour of the supermarkets opening and I don't really see any likelihood in the foreseeable future because no more business would be generated.

  7. Good Heavens - it looks like Blackpool!


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