Monday, 1 July 2013

A Present of a Microscope

Cj, Jo and Richard gave me an electronic microscope for my birthday.  It is a Veho Discovery VMS-004 USB microscope to be precise.  I loaded the software and checked that it worked (all absolutely simple and straightforward) just after my birthday but what with being away and so on it's only tonight that I've at long last decided that I would have a proper play with it.

To say that I'm delighted with it would be a gross understatement.

Here are the first images that I took just to see what it is capable of achieving.

The screen cover on my iPhone
The 'white' screen on my iPhone
The surface of the microchip on my bank card
A corner of one of the numbers on my bank carte
The tip of the nib of a fountain pen
A floret (or whatever it is called) from the flower of an Alchemilla (Ladies Mantle)
The carpel or stamen
The other bit!
I can see a whole new world opening up for me. Thanks CJ, Jo and Richard!


  1. Fascinating! This, I predict, will make for many great blog entries :-)

    1. I hope so Meike but I'll try not to do so many that I become boring about it.

  2. These are good....a magical miniature world awaits. Does it have it's own lighting? If not then Maplin will seel you the bits to make up a variable intensity ring light. The bits from Maplin will only cost a fiver and i can draw you a wiring diagram.

    1. Thanks Adrian but this one has its own LED light ring built in complete with variable intensity. It's a lovely piece of kit.

  3. Wow, that's incredible. I do believe we're in for a wild ride of many micro-photos from now on...let it rip!!

  4. Oh no. Now you've got yet another world to explore... ;)

    1. And, Monica, another toy with which to play.

  5. Pleasure - glad it's proved such a success.


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