Sunday, 28 July 2013

A Beautiful Spell

No this is not a novel about a witch or wizard or other spell-caster with tendencies to perfection.  It's simply a celebration of the beautiful week or longer that we have just enjoyed.  The warm, sunny weather has been made even more delightful by the almost complete absence of midges which has been marred only by the appearance of a lot of clegs (horse-flies).

Over the the period I have taken a lot of photos but some show the changing views we have here and our big skies. 

The mist, ah the mist
Even the sea was still
Last evening everything began to blend into one quiet, windless scene.....until.....
...looking the other way the sun was setting in a blaze of glory (probably not to be seen again for weeks).


  1. Oh! You know how much I love pictures of the sky, especially of sunsets. Therefore, the last one on this post is my favourite.

    1. Yes Meike I know that you love skies. So do I. I'd be really upset if I couldn't see the sky and the sea (or at least water).

  2. GB love the flowers on your boundary in pic 1.

    1. I hope you get to see it all this year Viv. I've been working on it really hard.

  3. Beautiful shots of the moods of a day, and each one of them perfect. (We lined up for hours to watch Jami perform in New Zealand's Got Talent.)

    1. Ah so that's what it was Pauline. I knew it had to be something extra special to get you to queue for that long.

  4. Gorgeous photos GB....loved the sunset especially, but I also loved the floral boundary as well.

    1. Thanks Virginia. It does show the difference between yours and my gardens with your beautiful trees and shelter for your plants whereas my aspect is so open and flowers have to be kept fairly low.

  5. Wonderful. It's amazing how a day can change.

    1. I've got to the stage Adrian when I'm surprised when a day doesn't change here on Lewis.

  6. That sea is amazing. Do you swim in it? What a place to live!

    1. I don't swim in the sea here these days Frances. The youngsters do. I used to take the children swimming years ago but we tended to go much later in the year when the Gulf Stream had achieved an increase of a degree or two.

  7. Oh. My. Goodness.
    However do you make yourself do anything indoors, I would never want to leave this scenery, it's so beautiful.

    1. I can see these views from my kitchen and my study Kay. Mind you sometimes when I'm indoors I can't see them for the rain!

  8. SO beautiful. I always think the changing view of water is so restful. Mind you, my thoughts have changed - now i like it as long as it behaves - I tend to think of tsunami risk here now and feel less attracted to living beside it!

    I can still adore photos though :)

    1. Fiona tsunamis are not a stranger to northern Europe either although pretty rare. It's certainly something which is being talked about a lot more in Napier than it was when I first went to New Zealand.

  9. I'm missing it!

    P.S. Don't tell Spesh but someone died of a cleg bite this week! But she's fairly safe because he was allergic and I think she's had enough to know that she's not.

  10. What a wonderful time for your garden!
    Living along the coast, no matter where, can be a challenge with mist, or FOG, as we call it!
    Enjoy, GB!

  11. Ah, what beautiful pastel shades in the top photograph. You are lucky to have such views of the ever changing sea.


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