Thursday, 11 October 2012

Thankful Thursday

If you have wellington boots (wellies - which I understand are gumboots to those of you on the other side of the pond) for gardening and so on which have steel toe-caps then why would you wear your walking wellies (which don't) when doing the garden?  The answer in my case was because they are all lined up and I just picked the first pair that came to hand.  After all there's nothing dangerous in gardening is there?  So when I accidentally stuck the tine of the gardening fork right through the top of the boot and into the sole (I was using one hand and pulling out weeds with the other) it did occur to me that perhaps I should have given the matter more though before rather than after the event.  As it was the first thing that went through my mind after wondering why I'd been so silly was whether my tetanus booster was up to date (it's expired).  It was only then that I realised that the tine had gone straight between two of my toes.

You don't have to guess for what I am thankful today!   


  1. The things you do to come up with topics for TT! Phew, I'm glad for you that it did not get worse than a scare and an injured boot...

    1. Thanks Monica. I was rather pleased too. I've now had my tetanus boost - just in case!

  2. Phew!! Indeed a reason for being thankful!

  3. Thankful Thursday gave us a scare there....glad your tetanus boost is now up to date.

    1. I gave you a scare Virginia? How do you think my tootsies felt?

  4. 'Aiehhhh! ......... Phew!'

    (A transcript of my two involuntary noises on reading this post)


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