Saturday, 13 October 2012

Tell No One

was one of two films we watched this week.  Anna had recommended Tell No One as a must see and I'd followed her advice.  Now I have it on very good authority (ie a female told me) that men are useless when it comes to following films.  The Matrix is an oft-quoted example.  I can't vouch for the voracity of the statement but I can confirm that I watched The Matrix, didn't fall asleep and still had absolutely no idea what it was about.  French films that I have watched are known for their depth (I am a Marcel Carné fan of many many years standing) and Tell No One lived up to that reputation.  It was shrouded in unintelligibility right to the last moment and by that I mean right until the end of the credits.  If you watch it then a short synopsis of the outcome would be appreciated by yours truly.

A long time ago in Blogland terms I was introduced to a new friend on Facebook.  I can't recall how but I seem to recall it was via a Blogland friend from New Zealand, Fi of Four Paws and Whiskers.  This friend, also a Fiona, used to play the violin professionally and is someone I feel that I know far better than circumstances would suggest.  At some time Fiona introduced me to Jay Ungar's Ashokan Farewell.  It is a piece of music to which I listen frequently.  The piece is used in the soundtrack of the film Legends of the Fall.  I bought the CD of the soundtrack.  I play that quite a lot too.  It is very emotional.  Last night we watched the DVD.  Now I know why the music is so emotional.  No one would ever suggest that it is a feel-good movie but for someone who has an overwhelming preference for feel-good movies I was absolutely riveted to it from beginning to end.  The superb acting of Anthony Hopkins helped.  It wasn't the simplest of movies either.

So that's two movies I have to watch again.


  1. Me not being much of a movie person in the first place, it is probably not surprising that I have not heard of either of the films you mention here. I do know the Matrix trilogy, though; my husband used to love watching them over and over and over again, but more often than not, I was doing something else at the time.
    I do like to know more or less what is going on when I am watching a film, though...

    1. I'm not a movie buff either Meike but I do watch movies occasionally: this week it's because I have had a friend (now friends) staying. On my own I also tend to watch movies I've seen many times before because they are 'safe'. I rarely sit and watch a movie without doing something else at the same time unless I'm watching in company.

  2. I am movie blind. I have to leave a cinema for popcorn during Indiana Jones films....several times! Even Toy Story was a little intimidating. I enjoy comedy, love Woody Allen and Crocodile Dundee. Oddly enough I'm a big Tarantino fan but mainly because he casts Uma Thurman. Or did at least twice.
    Just thought I'd pop by and lower the tone a bit.

    1. You sound very much like I am in relation to films Adrian. A friend who is a movie fanatic used to get quite uptight with me and my leaving for a glass of water (or something stronger) or to dispose of the said liquid. I have only seen one Woody Allen film and resolved never to watch another. Crocodile Dundee was on a par with Pretty Woman for classic quotes though. Nothing like a bit of tone lowering to bring in the crowds Adrian.

  3. I haven't seen any of these films, except I think I did try to watch Matrix, but either I did not finish it, or else I ended up with a very similar experience to yours. All that remains in my head is a vague idea that it's something to do with computers and different dimensions (?). Or something like that...
    Your "Tell No One" link leads me back to my own dashboard, so I guess that's a real secret one...

    1. That'll be yet another oops then Monica. It's now sorted.....I hope.

    2. The "Tell No One" link lead me back to my own dashboard too...very bizarre.

  4. I've seen Tell No One and I have to admit that it was fairly hard to follow. The fact that it was in French (which I don't speak at all) didn't help. I did, however, manage to follow and understand the plot but only because I already knew the story. It's actually based upon a book of the same name by Harlan Coben with the story set in America rather than France. Although it was a while after reading the book that I watched the film, I remembered enough to follow along. The book itself was excellent. It was the first Harlan Coben I read, and I've since read quite a few more as I enjoyed Tell No One so much.

    1. I don't know Mark. Not only do you produce magic for a living and a hobby but you also read books as well as watch films of them. I have problems coping with just one of them.

  5. I love The Matrix trilogy have to think outside the box to enjoy them.
    One of my friends even named his son Neo after the main character.
    Anthony Hopkins is one of my favourite actors, so I usually check out his movies.
    Have not watched "Tell No One" as yet though.

    1. Virginia I have enough trouble thinking inside the box without trying to think outside it too.

  6. I'm familiar with Matrix, but I thought I was supposed to feel "What?" afterwards. :) I have not heard of Tell No One, so not seen it.

    1. It's French Norma so I suspect it's not even available in The USA.

  7. Yes Fi led you to Fiona, who had met via Fiona's excellent but no longer present blog ( which I miss ) and onwards to Facebook..... The happy international world or words, interests and people who have yet to meet
    Off to follow a few links.....

    1. I've emailed you separately Fi. The world is very small.


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