Thursday, 4 October 2012

A Day Out

One of the lovely things about having visitors is that I go for drives around the Island and recharge my visual batteries.  Yesterday was one of those days with big landscapes and big skies

Across the Barvas Moor from Stornoway to the West Side
The South Lewis and Harris hills from the Pentland Road 
A blog on the Lewis Landscape wouldn't be complete without some sheep 


  1. Ooooh.... So the road DOES go on beyond the rainbow... Not sure I ever saw proof of that before ;) Breathtakingly beautiful views, Graham... Thanks for sharing!

    1. Monica we chased rainbows all day yesterday and the road always went through them but the car never did!

  2. My first thought was the Wizard of OZ....Should that be Wizard of Kiwi.
    Superb pictures.

    1. Thanks Adrian. I was going to say that I was rather more under the rainbow than over it when I suddenly realised that whether I was the Wizard of OZ or the Wizard of Kiwi both would be down under!

  3. It's always wonderful too to relive the splendour through the eyes of someone else who is seeing it all for the first time. There is ALWAYS something new to behold.
    Love those sheep.
    Looking at the long stretch of road immediately brought that tune "On the road again...." to mind.

    1. For some reason Virginia when I'm going on the road again I always think of Garth Brooks (whom we listened to when we travelled through California).

  4. What would Lewis be without sheep? Mind you, I thought they were an endangered species. What about cattle grids? There must still be cattle grids, despite the fact there are few sheep and no cattle. Cattle grids are/were to Lewis crofters what cordons sanitaires are/were to the UN.

    1. Empty Marcel! Believe it or not there are probably more cattle than sheep at the moment and the cattle grids are still here separating the townships (even though, as you say, some townships no longer have anything to cordon).

  5. I'm really taken with that middle shot. The countryside looks so harsh, yet so beautiful.

    1. Yes, Pauline, it is harsh and it is beautiful.


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