Monday, 20 August 2012

That's Technology For You

When it comes to technology I am quite sanguine and laid back.   Mostly things to do with computers don't fash me.  I used to get quite uptight about some things when my life was much more stressful than it is now but circumstances have changed that.  So the fact that I only have three more sleeps to departure from Lewis for about 5 weeks and still haven't booked my flight back to New Zealand, acquired my travel insurance or car breakdown cover for the impending holiday nor done many other things I need to do before I depart wasn't an issue this morning.


It poured with rain meaning that three loads of washing had to go through the dryer.  Glad Game: I have a dryer.   I remembered various important birthdays and so on that have crept up on me unawares. The satnav told me that there were new maps available and so far it's taken 7 hours to download them from the Garmin site and there seems to be no end in sight.  The Direct Line insurance site has given me the following message all afternoon: 

The website for the hotel chain in France told me that my booking could not be finalised because of Erreur traduire-SF39 or SF12 depending on which particular mood it was in.  So I had to ring the hotel who charged me an extra €18 because I wasn't booking on line. My French isn't good enough to hold an argument on the subject.

The company that usually provides my travel insurance wanted to charge me more for 24 days away than it usually charges me for my 6 months in New Zealand.

The Good Things about the day were coffee at The Woodlands with Gaz this morning and a visit from him here this afternoon.

I've been tracking CJ and Jo on their mobile phones and I know that they have reached their hotel for the evening but I've not had an answer to my texts so I'm hoping they are ok.  He may be my little brother but I suppose I have to accept that he's a grown lad now.

Tomorrow has to be a better day - I've still got all my packing to do and a house to clean.  I wouldn't want an untidy house if I have an accident.  Just like I wouldn't want tatty underwear.

Hey ho.  A few minutes off to write a post have made me feel better already.

PS As I was about to press Publish a text came from CJ: ...Had good day.  Weather mixed.  Midges say hello.....  I can rest easy. 


  1. Booking hotels? Just roll up and argue about the price. Works a treat. Pre booking ruins travel for me. What happens if you get sidetracked?
    Washing clothes? Just buy deodorant in large sizes and travel light.
    Have a good trip and don't trip if you aren't insured.

    1. I agree Adrian. I haven't booked ahead for any day except the first. I'll have driven from Merseyside to Arras which is a healthy distance and I don't want to end up trying to house 3 of us in the evening. We'll take pot luck the next few nights on the way down to Tuscany.

      I am psychologically unable to travel light except when going to New Zealand. Last journey my bag weighed 18k going and 15 k coming back.I don't need to take clothes or suchlike with me. It makes all the difference. Going to Italy I shall have two kitchen sinks never mind one. that's why I need a large car. Now if I had a house on wheels...... Before I accidentally ended up living half my life in NZ I was all set to get a camper van.

      Thanks for the good wishes and I'll try not to trip.

  2. Isn't Adrian the good helper with his suggestions? He makes me laugh! I couldn't stand to go about all that you have to do for traveling at the last minute. Yikes! I'm glad you heard from CJ and Jo, at least that is settled in your mind.
    Bon voyage for whenever!

    1. You are right Norma. Adrian is undoubtedly the most amusing Blogger in my Blogworls.

  3. I wouldn't hurry to New Zealand we have had the longest spell of damp cold wind less weather for a very long time and probably the worst most persistent flu rife throughout the Population. We are the South end of the North Island and my Sister lives and works at Auckland Hospital well mine didn't stop it this time and EC has so many people in it they are rushed off their feet - still tired and coughing. As for technology, My brother leaves a Stone on the Letter Box if he calls and I am not home.

    Mind you the days are getting longer and the Daffodils are smiling beneath the clouds so all is good

    1. I've been getting pretty poor weather reports Dad. I hadn't heard about the flu though. You've reminded me to put down for a jab in October.

  4. Hurry back ...... the dafs' are up and they might just still be smiling when you arrive. Flu jab a good idea! Jaz

    1. Funny you should say that about the flu jab Jaz. I've got it on my list to dow when I get back from Italy. I have it annually before I travel.

  5. It's all that fancy smancy camera equipment that is making your luggage so heavy my friend.
    Personally I have never taken out travel insurance, even when I worked in the corporate jungle. I always left home with a smile and prayed for a good trip.
    I'm excited for you as this trip sounds like a great one....two more sleeps to go!!

  6. My camera weights 603 grams Virginia. There's no extra lenses either. It may be fancy smancy as you say (never heard that word before) but it's all in a small package. Isn't that what they say: best things come in small packages?

    1. Yes, the best things come in small packages. All the while I thought it was a fairy big camera with all the necessary paraphanalia to go along with it.
      Pray tell what kind of camera is this that takes these gorgeous photos.
      Fancy smancy is my own terminology, you won't find it in a dictionary.

    2. It's a Sony DSC-HX100V. My first Sony was a DSC HX1 but the new one has a longer focal length (equivalent of 810mm) and built in GPS which is imprinted on the metadata of each photo.

    3. Thanks for the camera info Graham, I do appreciate it.

  7. We never do stop worrying about little brothers, I think! (Almost like parents with children.) I hope all the rest of the worries will sort themselves out, too. (Or, YOU will sort them out.) I wish you a merry trip including safe driving and ocrrect satnav maps... ♥

    1. ... [groan] of all words to misspell I had to do it with "correct"...

    2. I had to go back and look Monica. I read it as 'correct'. It's weird but the human brain often sees words that are scrambled although generally speaking it finds it easier if the first and last letters are correct.

  8. Hey Geeb, how DID you end up in NZ, anyway?

    Bon voyage. Or, I should say 'viaggio sicuro'!

    1. Grazie tanto Katherine. Long short story. I'll tell you sometime.


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