Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Never Tempt the Moirai

On 19 January this year CJ aka Scriptor Senex posted on the god DataTransfer .  This proved to be his undoing as his computing world fell apart two days later and he posted Cannot (never mind 'Do Not') Resuscitate.  The moral, he concluded, was that it was unwise to tempt the gods.

Well I've been much more circumspect.  Most of my friends who believe in a god only believe in one whether they believe it to be one emanating from a Christian or Jewish or whatever belief.  However  I understand that Hindus believe in about 330 million gods or a similar number of aspects of a god or gods and the Greeks and Romans worshipped many hundreds of gods. (I've always been rather wary of the Chthonic deities if for no other reason than they are represented collectively by a word which is impossible to spell).  It's all rather confusing. 

Anyway I never mentioned a god in my post yesterday on the subject of midges.  But I didn't have to.  The Moirai or the Parcae or the Three Witches were obviously listening.

Tonight the midges are back.


  1. That's what we call "jinxing" oneself. Did you forget to "knock on wood"? ha, ha

    1. I'm not superstitious says I as I touch wood.

  2. So my plan worked.....cut the grass yesterday and told them to go back whence they came.....

    1. You see, Virginia, a practical approach is the best.

  3. I was told by someone on Raasay that the myrtles that grow there are a very good natural antidote to the bites if you rub the leaves on. I tried it and it didn't work for me. The only thing I ever found that took the itch and swelling of insect stings away was a bottle of meat tenderiser given to me by someone in Florida, where the bugs were about ten times the size of midges for a start, and just as plentiful. And this meat tenderiser actually worked. I don't know what on earth can be in it!

    But of course one of the nasty things about midges is the cloud that they form. Ugh!

    1. Midge bites don't cause me a problem as it happens. As you said it's the clouds of them and the fact that they get into any bodily orifice that you leave exposed that I find so awful. I wear a midge suit if I have to work amongst them but trying to get a sausage through the mesh at a BBQ is a challenge.

      The sandflies in New Zealand and some of the bitty things in France cause me real problems though. I'd love to know what the meat tenderiser was!

  4. So they'd just been away on a little holiday then!
    I'm not sure which gods are supposed to be responsible for midges, but it certainly seems unwise to tempt the midges themselves. Obviously rumours spread fast among them...

    1. Surely if you have 330 million gods then one of them must have responsibility for midges but as I am not au fait with them I'll just try to be more circumspect in future.


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