Thursday, 14 June 2012

Thankful Thursday

In an hour or so this evening a friend of many years and his dog Molly will be arriving.  They are crossing The Minch in brilliant sunshine and a force 6 wind from the NNE making the ambient temperature of 10℃ feel like freezing point.  Tonight the clear skies will mean that the sky is light all night as the sun just dips below the horizon giving way to a twilight of about four or five hours.  If it was just a bit warmer this would be paradise but, playing the Glad Game, if it were warm and windless this evening the dreaded Scottish Midge would be having a field day.

I had the cardiac clinic at 0840 this morning - the equivalent of the cardiac MoT or WoF or Safety Inspection or whatever the equivalent is for the car in your country.   My 120/74 BP reading wasn't   too bad for an oldie and I am now certified alive and officially fit and well for another 12 months.

That stood me in good stead for this afternoon when I spent 4 hours trying to sort a friend's broadband connection.  BT eventually agreed with my assessment that it was their line which was causing the problem.  I kept my cool for the whole of the several hours of conversations with someone in India.  I was quite pleased with myself.

So today I am thankful for the the fact that I'm in such a good mood as I set off to meet the ferry.


  1. How wonderful to have one's aliveness being officially certified! :-)
    Several hours of conversation on the BT support line... that does indeed require a LOT of patience, something I don't think I have in enough quantities.

    1. There was a time Meike when I would have found it a real trial but now I seem to have developed a patience I wish I'd had particularly when the children were young.

    2. My granddaughter compliments me on that very virtue, which has blossomed in me since my mid-forties. I too wish I'd had at least some of that when my dumplings were young.

  2. Good to hear you've been declared to be in such excellent condition! I hope the weather remains fine for you over the weekend even if it seems a bit on the chilly side.

    1. Sunny but very windy and cold is what we have so far: preferable by far to the cold, wet miserable weather to the South.

  3. Hope you're having a nice time with your friend.
    Oh that sounds very blah, but I do!

  4. Yay for good health GB.
    Thank you for your lovely card. Thank you for thinking about us. I am so thankful that even when I haven't been able to blog for a while I can still find thankfulness on here :-)

    1. My dear Jaz, as you have been my inspiration for Thankful Thursday and have made me play the Glad Game so many times over the last few years it is I who should be thanking you. So, thank you Jaz.

  5. Congratulations on passing your MOT! Good news indeed!

    By the way, is the friend with the dog Molly, Adrian of Adrian's images? I hope so -- I notice no posts from him for about two months and have been wondering if he was okay.

    1. I have had concerns also about Adrian. So please let us know of any news, if you have any about Adrian.

    2. No. My friend is not Adrian - different Molly. However you will both be pleased to know that Adrian is fit and well and hopes to be back in Blogland soon. I will leave it to Adrian to explain all!

  6. Hope you are having / have had a lovely visit. And congrats on passing the MOT.

    1. Thanks Jenny. Always good to have a new MOT!

  7. I haven't been in blogland much in ages so good to hear you have a new WoF and good weather to clock up a few more miles with friends on board.

    1. That makes two of us Pauline. I'll be in touch soon.

  8. Oh, yes, glad to hear the health news is good.

  9. So glad that you are certified for another 12 months! Always a great feeling, right? I know there are times when I worry about some thing or another, then find out it was just needless, thank God!
    I keep telling Hubby that we should go outside late at night when we're in isolated places to see the stars without city lights. Well, for one, we never make it that late, but since we're so far north, it would have to be in the middle of the night. I value my sleep, so, we never get to see it.

  10. Ironically, Lisa, on a clear night in the winter here on Lewis I would be able to see myriads of stars as I can in New Zealand because light pollution is minimal. At this time of year the natural light means seeing the stars is not possible. Shame really.


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