Friday, 4 November 2011

I Nearly Did It

Gaz and Carol bought me a Times 2 Jumbo Crossword Book earlier in the year.  I really enjoy doing crosswords with my morning coffee or lunch.  I have just completed No. 56.  Well, almost completed.  The thing about general knowledge crosswords for me is being able to complete all the questions to which I know, or should know, the answer.  There are, however, answers which I will never get however much thinking I do.   In those circumstances I just grin and bear it and look the answer up.  With such large crosswords I rarely get 100% of the answers although I did manage a complete one earlier in the week.  However No 56 defeated me by two questions: An Australian Fish in 10 and an old chestnut which defeats me every time: A Long-short metric foot in 7.  The answer to the first was BARRAMUNDI and the second was TROCHEE.  I'm hoping that now I've blogged about it I will remember 'trochee' next time it crops up - as it inevitably will.


  1. Darn. I was going to suggest barramundi. I remember because I have caught one on a line and it tasted good. Had no idea on the other one. Have fun with no 57!

  2. I really enjoy crosswords too.

    Completely off the subject. I made my easy apple cake with the crunchy topping instead of icing and smothered it with custard as you suggested. The kids simply melted!! Yum!!! x You really should try it. Happy travels.

  3. I thought you'd have known the fish, Pauline. I still have no idea what a trochee is even though I know it's definition. If you see what I mean.

    Jaz I like the idea of the crunchy topping. I'll let you know when I make it.

  4. Give Sudoku a's brilliant.


  5. I used to do Sudoku, SP, and managed to solve the logic up to, but not including, Very Difficult. I then got rather fed up of trying to work out the VD (I bought Carol Vordamen's book but never read it) and bored with the others. I shall try one on my way to NZ and let you know how I feel now.

  6. That will teach you to read my book blog, dearest Brother! Barramundi got a mention in the 27th Oct post. Spondees and trochees are great favourites with the compilers but like you I never remember them.


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