Monday, 17 October 2011

The Water Soldier Grows

In August I posted a picture of a large Water Soldier in my pond.  Over the last few months the plant has grown huge. 

I have great hopes that it will survive the winter and parent a veritable army next year.


  1. Fantastic.

    I can already see a child soldier (the only instance when one could be happy about one of those) on the right hand side. At some point it will detach and become a separate plant.

  2. Oh yes. Thanks. I didn't notice it. I must train myself to be more observant.

  3. By the way do you have a blogger follower button? I can; find one and Network Blogs seems to require one to share information with facebook = something I don't like doing any more.

  4. There is indeed a baby there GB.

    This time next year....


  5. Jenny. I shall do a post on following.

    I'm hoping SP, I'm hoping.


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