Saturday, 8 October 2011

One Thousand Posts

Today this Blog has reached a thousand posts.  I feel that I should celebrate in some way.  I'm not sure why.  I started the blog on 11 June 2007 but it was not until I arrived back from New Zealand in April 2008 that the next post appeared on the 27 April 2008 as a follow-on to my A Hebridean in New Zealand.  Given that this blog only records six months of each year that means I have averaged about 44 posts a month or slightly more than one for each day I've been here in the Northern hemisphere.

So I have decided (having spent 80 mins on the phone to my New Zealand Family already) to spend as much of my day as possible relaxing in Blogland and sorting photos.  That probably counts as a plan.  And we all know what happens to plans.  Better to be like Spike Milligan "I don't have a plan, so nothing can go wrong.".  Well it's now 1430 and this is as far as I've got.  Don't ask!

Some of you have, I know because of Katherine and Monica's comments on Home and My Own Bed, been kind enough to say that my profile (right) might be re-written.  So I think today I might address the issue and see if I can try and con you all into believing that I have enough imagination to come up with an alternative.  That's a challenge if ever there was one.  Actually knowing me the change will be minor and mundane.

In the meantime I shall have a look back through a few of my previous posts and see which ones take my fancy for a re-show.

It's been quite a strange and yet an amazing few years.  It's seen me being told that there was nothing more that could be done for my cancer and it's seen an amazing turnaround and radiotherapy and blood tests being reduced to 6-monthly instead of 3-monthly for the first time since the cancer was operated upon in1998.  Looks like I might die of old age after all - if a bus doesn't hit me first.

It's recorded visits to my brother CJ and Jo's by me, to me by CJ and Jo and by CJ and I to my niece Helen and Ian's in Exeter.

I've photographed insects, birds, plants, fungi, rocks, skies, landscapes and seascapes, weather,  and countless other things that I might never otherwise have given a second glance and spent ages identifying them or trying to and then asking CJ or Helen what they are.

I've visited museums, art galleries, theatres and other interesting places.

I've found posts that I've long forgotten (many); posts that made me laugh (a few); and astonishing coincidences (Never Forget - I very very rarely drink Whiskey but tonight I decided to have one. Compare the post with the following photo.);

I've visited France and various parts of Scotland, England and Wales.  Apart from New Zealand I've not visited any other countries in the last 4 years.  I'm slipping.

Even in September 2008 I was having Dreams and Things

I've blogged on climbing The Clisham with and had night's out with GazSplit Infinitives, Spelling Problems and Collar Studs, Loo Roll Hanging theories and Explanations, Never Hating Anything, changes in Inter-Island Ferries, first scheduled Sunday sailing from Lewis,

I've occasionally tried to be artistic as in A Study in Rosé and Turquoise, or philosophical as in Such Cynicism for One so Young,

Every Thursday I have tried to remind myself to be thankful in my Thankful Thursday blogs: an idea copied from Jaz of Treacy Travels.

I've made new friends in Blogland some of whom I've met in person (mainly through my Hebridean in New Zealand blog) and some of whom remain distant physically though close nonetheless. 

I've left Lewis

and I've returned

It's been a fun four plus years and while I keep on finding something to say and photograph and am still having fun then I shall hopefully keep on inhabiting Blogland and meeting you here.

(This post was started yesterday, Friday, but I ran out of time and kept getting sidetracked as I re-read old posts.)


  1. A Great post Graham. Tha has a tendency to maudlin but nothing like a near death experience or two to get one off ones derrier.
    Congratulations, well done, keep the photos coming.
    Can you learn to write.............Proper like what I does?

  2. A very worthy One Thousand post, Graham! :) I enjoyed your flashback links. Some of those back from 2008 I don't think I've read before. In fact I know just about where I started following. One of the first posts I read on this blog was your loo roll hanging theories! (And of course I immediately thought to myself: Now here is a man with some serious and un-prejudiced ideas, a general appreciation of life, and a good eye for photography... ahem...) Well, anyway, I'm still here.

    I really like the new and improved last sentence in your profile. It's perfect!

    Congratulations and celebrations; and I'm looking forward to the next thousand posts! ♥

  3. Many congratulations on your thousand posts - every one has been of interest to me, but then it would as you are not only my belo0ved brother but also a fascinating person with an absorbing life.

    P.S. You've forgotten your visits to France! It may seem like a second (or third) home to you but it's still a foreign country to me.

  4. Thanks Adrian. I tries. I really tries very hard I does. I'll keep practising. There's nothing like an occasional mauldle I always think.

    Monica I was trying to be objective, honest I was. Thanks for the (previous) advice and compliment on the profile wording.

    Gosh, CJ, thanks muchly.

  5. A wonderful post! Of all the people I know you definitely lead the most active and interesting life. Not that other people I know aren't busy, but you definitely seem to 'live' more than the rest of us (which of course makes for lots of interesting blogs). If only you could write down the recipe for living - I'd certainly be trying it, xx

  6. I shall keep that post open to enjoy some flashbacks into it when i have a little more time - but a quick note to say well done, and it has been a pleasure to read the last few hundred, and here's to many more.
    Perhaps it takes facing a potential death to make us appreciate the chance to live... the rut gets deeper without motivation to climb?
    I do recognise how much we all have to be thankful for and the concept does help me get through the hole we seem to be in because I can see the horizon still. I like the way blogging opens my eyes to the huge world out there and lets me know that narrow minded, moaning people exist everywhere, are not the only type there are and that good friends, laughter and happiness are to be cherished.

  7. A recipe for living Helen? I'll work on it. Done. Recipe for living = don't die!

    Fiona when anyone has gone through as much as you have gone/are going through you don't need the additional hassle of potential death. It doesn't even bear thinking about. I've had it easy in comparison!

  8. Happy 1000th Post Anniversary!!! It is quite impressive, and I am glad a close friend of mine pointed me towards blogland a few years ago, reading (and sometimes writing) here has become a well-established and much loved part of my daily life.
    To the next 1000 posts!

  9. Thanks for having us along for the ride Geeb!

  10. Thanks Meike and Katherine for being along for the ride. Without my Blogland friends it would be a largely pointless exercise.


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