Sunday 31 July 2011

Behold The Sea

I love the sea. That's no secret. I live by the sea. Rarely does a day go by when I don't sit and watch it. The moods of the sea are as many and as varied as the moods of the sky. I love the sky too. In Eagleton, in particular, I live with BIG skies; 360 degree skies.

Some years ago when I was in The National Gallery in London I saw a painting by Akseli Gallen-Kallela entitled Lake Keitele and I was mesmerised by the patterns in the water.

Lake Keitele by Alseli Gallen-Kallela

I see similar patterns quite frequently in The Minch from my Study window:


  1. It is mind blowing. so serene and yet in an hour it changes. Rarely for the better.
    ' Be afraid of the sea for those that are afraid of the sea are only drowned now and again. Those that are unafraid are drowned over and over again.'

  2. PS. I got over excited.....great pictures.

  3. Wonderful series. And peaceful for me, thinking about sitting there, watching patterns change.

  4. To be in quiet freedom and listen to the sea, watching it transform before my eyes....this is peace. Instead, I steal a moment and try best to drown out the noise of arguing and clutter to focus only for this moment on the beauty in your photos, Graham.

    Blessed I am.

  5. just one more time...I'd love to have a view like yours! thanks for sharing

  6. That is a wonderful painting (I'd love to have it on my wall!)... But you've got 'the real thing' just outside your window!

  7. Fantastic!!
    I hope I'm always near the sea :-)

  8. I have a lovely print of that painting hanging on my wall. Thank you Graham for letting me have the pleasure of it. I hope you dont want it back too soon!

  9. Adrian: It's rather like rock climbing. I was in a pub in Keswick many years ago after a very modest climb and was asked by as fellow pint-downer if I was scared when I climbed. I replied that I was. He commented that he wasn't. A very well known climber piped up and said to him "Then you'll be the one who most likely dies first!". I have the utmost respect for rock faces and for the sea!

    B & B: Peaceful at that moment but, as Adrian commented, how quickly it changes.

    Heather: Once you are emerged in the sound of the sea all else disappears - nothing matters.

    Norma: I am very conscious of how lucky I am.

    Monica: It is a memorable painting. He's captured the sea perfectly.

    Jaz: May you always be near the sea. It's not such a difficult ask in New Zealand.

    Spesh: You are very welcome. I can always see it when I pop in for coffee.

  10. Stunning, is all I can say. Too good for words, really.


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