Sunday 5 June 2011


As I start this post it is nearly 100 hours since I drove onto the ferry to leave Lewis.  The ferry leaves at 0700 which means getting up at 0500.  0530 on an ordinary day is not too unpalatable unless, and it's a big unless, I actually have to get up.  I wonder why that is.  The journey through the Highlands of Scotland is always wonderful and as I was in absolutely no hurry I had the opportunity to take my time and enjoy the journey.  

The road between Ullapool where the ferry lands on the Western side of the Scottish Mainland and Inverness which is on the East side is about 60 miles (about 100 ks) through some stunning and spectacular landscape until I arrived in West Wemyss at about 1730.

Loch Glascarnoch in the Highlands on the road between Ullapool and Inverness.
The road between Ullapool and Inverness above the Aulthuish Inn
Ruthven Barracks by Kingussie (on the A9 Inverness to Perth Road)
The Watermill Café at Blair Atholl
The back of Falkland Palace in Fife
Just what the Doctor ordered on a hot afternoon in Falkland
All the places I visited were worthy of a post on their own and hopefully I will eventually do one for each of them.  The Falkland Palace is part of the Scottish National Trust and so photography is not allowed.  I must get back onto that bandwagon!


  1. What a beautiful day for a drive through beautiful countryside. It must be so hard to get from one place to another with all those photo opportunities getting in the way. Love the waterwheel and icecream vendor.

  2. I'm glad you had such beautiful weather for your journey. It's a wonderful landscape and I love old buildings like these. I can't believe it's 40 years since I was in Scotland. We did go to Inverness and Loch Ness but I don't remember by what road. I do hope you get round to doing some extended posts ;)


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