Thursday 30 June 2011

Evening on The Water

This evening it is calm - very calm.  Midge by the million, calm.  The technician came today to service my central heating boiler.  It was calm then too for a while.  My boiler is outside.  Did I envy him his job?  No.  Definitely not.  I digressed.  This evening a group of kayakers took to the water:

The gathering
Shepherds and flock
The second gang sallies forth


  1. Good morning:

    Am from British Columbia and am a daily reader of your wonderful blog. However I have a question.

    The fences in the back ground, in the field, indicate individual plots of land? Do they go back for generations upon generations? Or is my imagination running wild.

    At first I thought they could be snow fences but now realize that they seem to be wire ones.

    You live in such a beautiful place.

    Thank you for being so faithful to this blog.

  2. A very colourful sight; the red really pops out against that background!

  3. Sunshine: Crofting is sometimes known as the farming of fences - see
    The Farming of Fences. The crofts (smallholdings) are usually very long and very thin. They are passed from parent to child as a rule. Crofting law is very complicated.

  4. Thank you.

    I always thought that crofts were MUCH bigger. Can only imagine the 'discussions' that have gone around these precious pieces of land over the years.

  5. Lovely splashes of colour but the water does look cold!!


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