Tuesday, 31 May 2011

I've Fallen in Love - Again

This time it's with something much safer than falling in love with a fellow human being!  I received one of my usual emails from the John Lewis Partnership (For those outside the UK this is one of the few remaining Department Stores in the UK.  It is prestigous.  It is owned by it's employees).  On display was A Farmers Cottage Rotating Sphere.  It comes as a Seater, a Lounger or a Summer House.  What a fabulous idea.  Rotate the entrance away from the wind and remain able to see the views.  If I had that in my front garden overlooking the Minch, the Scottish Mainland and the valley to Upper Bayble I would be in seventh heaven.

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  1. Fabulous! So when does yours arrive?

  2. Ohhhhhh Yes Please!

    You have just got to have one Graham. I will be more than happy to look after it for you when you are away in the winter sunning yourself in N.Z. Spesh x

  3. Now who was that fellow I read about the other day who took his computer back to the living room because it was too cold in the study with all the windows... ;)

  4. That is so cool! It might require a little space heater in it. Brilliant idea!

  5. Wow! A definite "must have".

  6. If the wind caught it, you'd go skiting across the Minch!

  7. AND it's also gorgeous...like a little human biodome...I covet...

  8. And an ideal shape for defying the wind!

  9. Wonderful! A must have! You would enjoy it....


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