Friday 20 May 2011

I Knew It Would Happen!

Actually if I'd really known it instead of suspecting it I wouldn't have put all the washing on the line 10 minutes ago!  The sun was shining.  The wind was blowing.  If it had been a bit warmer the conditions would have been ideal.  I live under big skies and can see weather coming - usually.  When the washing went out there were squall clouds around as there have been for days now as the heavy showers sweep through.  So here I was in the Study facing the sea with the sun streaming in when suddenly the squall hit from behind.  Result?  60 seconds of torrential rain and thus soaked sheets and shirts.  And in the time it's taken to type this the clouds have swept through and the sun is out again as I watch the squall move out over the Minch.  Ah well.  If it's still wet by this afternoon I'll just have to spin it again and use the tumble drier.  So much for being eco friendly.


  1. I just love being able to watch weather come in. Arizona was a great place for that.

  2. Your weather there sounds like our Indiana weather. But one cannot see as far as you unless in the rural areas.

  3. Maybe you could just hang the washing out on the line unwashed and it would all take care of itself ;)

  4. There's always a cheeky squall that creeps up on ya!


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