Sunday, 26 December 2010

More Pictures of Winter on Lewis

These pictures taken by Pat tell me just a little of what I've been missing:

 Lews Castle

 Stornoway  from Lews Castle Grounds

 Lews Castle Grounds on harbour front

 Kate and Briagha in Lews Castle Grounds

 Kate beautiful as ever

 Creed River

Creed River


  1. Very impressive, it is beautiful.......The snows nay bad either.

  2. Beautiful winter island pictures. Thanks to Pat and to you for sharing.

  3. Lovely photos, Pat. Don't you just wish you were here, GB.

  4. Nice photos, GB. It looks much the same around here in New England at the moment, since we are recovering from a Boxing Day blizzard. Wishing you well~ Deedee


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