Sunday, 19 September 2010

They Laughed At Me!

CJ, Jo and I went out today to Llangollen, a small town in North Wales about 50 miles from where they live. I have always loved Llangollen. My Dad lived there for a while when he was a young man and so did Jo (not that she was ever a young man!). We arrived at lunchtime and decided that, before we went to see where Jo had lived we would have lunch which we did at the Greenbank Hotel. The service was first class and friendly and the food was plentiful and very well cooked. After the meal CJ and I decided to have a coffee. As I looked down into my cup I pronounced that this was a very happy cup of coffee. It just looked happy. Don't you agree? Now you wouldn't have laughed at me, would you?


  1. {I think my happy rubbed off on you, Graham}

    Of course, I understand ;)

  2. Sorry, I only drink tea and am not so well acquainted with coffee that I can tell from just a look at it whether it's happy or not... But if it made people laugh, I'm sure it must have been! :)

  3. It's the cheeky angle of the spoon! A happy spoon is infectious!

  4. Me thinks that it is time you came home!

    Happy coffee?!! It looks decidedly murky to me - what lurks beneath that thick scummy brew I wonder!

    Sorry folks - I am with Jo and John - I just don't get it.

  5. Sorry! Especially since you treated us to the best lunch I've had for years! Merci beaucoup.

  6. I happened to be scrolling by this post again and now suddenly I think I see it... kind of a smiley face? :)

  7. Perhaps it's like one of those Rorschach ink blot shapes in which you project whatever you are feeling... ? Looks happy to me!


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