Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Nous Sommes Arrivés

Eleven hours from door to door: from rural France to West Wemyss in Scotland.  We spent about three hours looking around Bordeaux.  I was dressed for the likely cool of the UK (well, I was wearing trousers and shoes and socks) so the very high 20s we had in Bordeaux was a bit warm even for me.   However when we got off the plane in Edinburgh to a very chilly 15 deg I was happy to have dressed for it.  Mind you I did feel rather out of place in short sleeves.  We stopped at Tescos in Kircaldy to get a curry for dinner and actually cheated the last couple of miles by getting a taxi instead of waiting up to an hour for the bus for the last leg of the journey.

So tonight I am just about to go to bed (actually I'm typing this in bed) and am hoping for a night-mare free sleep which is something I've been missing for the last while.

If I can circumnavigate Edinburgh in the morning (the Pope is visiting and traffic chaos is forecast) I shall be on my way down to my Brother's by 0900.

I'll hopefully start blogging again properly tomorrow.

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