Sunday, 8 August 2010

The Week Ends

It’s the end of the week: two hours to go until midnight.  It’s raining!  It’s been a strange week but an even stranger day.  The first thing that made the day strange was that when I woke the sun was shining.  From 25 to 31 July inclusive the Isle of Lewis officially had 4 hours of sunshine out of a potential 115.   That’s not a good ratio.  The number of hours since the end of July might not even have reached 4.  It’s hardly believable.  So this sunny morning offered a number of alternatives for the day.  Another factor to be taken into consideration was the forecast of rain for the whole of the week to come.

Perhaps the most important option was to weed and feed the grass which was dry.  With the promise of rain by nightfall it offered the perfect conditions.  The garden was in need of weeding – desperately in need.  There was loads of washing to be done.

So I did something I’ve never done before in the 35 years I’ve lived on Lewis.  I put washing out on a Sunday.  Despite the fact that other Islanders (in this case as compared to incomers like myself) put their washing out I would never do that because it would upset my neighbours to see it.  But they are away and no one else in the township can see it because of my trees and bushes.

Then David and I had a very enjoyable day gardening.  We filled a wheelie bin with weeds – that’s a lot of weeds.  The garden looks like a new place and I feel so much better for having had a day in the sun.  Albeit my back is a little stiff!


  1. It looks like you are going to have to start praying for an Indian summer.

  2. I'm glad you got a day of sunshine in the garden - and in the company of a good friend, too!

  3. Don't blame me! It was entirely your decision to desicrate the Sabbath.

  4. I did of course mean desecrate.


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