Thursday, 12 August 2010

A Veggie Garden on Lewis

A friend just at the other end of the township has a wonderful vegetable garden:

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Wouldn’t I just love to be able to grow all that.  I’m not here early enough in the year and that in order to preserve my view I won’t grow the trees and high bushes needed to provide shelter from the strong and salt-laden winds.  Well, those are my excuses.  I suspect the real reason is that I’m just not dedicated enough!


  1. That does look like a lot of work! Well, I guess this summer not much manual watering has been needed... But still!

  2. A garden to envy...I wish I had the ability, energy, inclination and was badger-free...!

    Here the resident badgers cull root vegetables and fruits - despite scoffing the dinner scraps (they love curry) put out on the wall for them.

    Tried the 'Good Life' the first year here. Hilarious results. The only things they wouldn't go near were radishes. Had a mountain of them. My new neighbours started to avoid me whenever they saw me - such was their fear that the bag I was carrying was yet another load of radish...

  3. Impressive! I've grown many vegie gardens in the past. But I like looking at them so much, I often have difficulty eating the produce.

    VW is 'loully' which is an amalgam of two words: 'loo-loo' and 'doo-lally', both meaning 'around the bend'.

  4. I seem to have caught word-verification-itis off Robert.

  5. That is one impressive garden. But I wouldn't trade your view! And, anyway, with your lifestyle when would you find the time?

  6. the view although not as amazaing as Grahams is pretty impressive with unrestricted views of the sea and mainland mountains, we're just up the road a bit!

  7. I'm not disciplined enough for gardening things that need my careful attention. I have too many other beings in my life that need that :)

    Yet, I am SO blessed with a neighbor who loves to garden in overabundant supply and loves to share with us (thank You, Lord)


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