Monday, 2 August 2010




  1. He looks very lonesome indeed with his own blurred image in the water.

    I bet he's not really as deserted as it may look, though.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Actually, Monica, he/she was pretty lonsome. It is a Black-headed Gull in winter plumage already! As it's mid-summer I thought it was a juvenile but on closer inspection it's not.

  4. Black-headed?! I can't see it... I know the screen on my old laptop that I'm on just now does not make full justice to some pictures, but... ;)

    I'll take your word for it, though. It's not really among my skills to tell one gull from another!

    Anyway, considering the summer weather you've been having, I'm not surprised he's put on winter plumage! Seems most people in your beach pictures have, too...

  5. Black-headed Gulls have a white head in the winter months. Juveniles also have a white head but a different body colour to the one here. Because it's summer I wondered what the gull was but it's the only possibility given the colour of its legs and beak.

  6. Now I had to look things up using both the internet and my bird book. Seemed a little bit more familiar once I got the Swedish name. We call it (although in Swedish, of course) a laughing gull!


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