Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Heart Attacks Are Made of This

It was after 1 am.  I was contemplating bed when I became conscious of voices.  Very quiet voices.  Outside?  Why would there be voices outside my house?  It’s set back from the road.  The road is a dead end.  Who would be likely to be wandering in the dead of night at the end of a township road when the only things there are a few houses and then the sea?  Who indeed?  I went into the conservatory.  I could still hear the voices but even more quietly.  I went outside.  The evening is absolutely still with not a breath of air.  I came in and the voices were there again.  I never have the radio on.  The televisions were all off.  Then I realised the voices were coming from the guest bedroom.  The alarm clock had sprung into life and put the radio on.  Who slept in that room last?  He who did knows!  Spooky.  Very very spooky.  Believe me.


  1. have you seen this?

    How not to behave if you play badly!

  2. I seem to remember (do you?) that you had a post just like this one last year, too. Same spookiness. Same explanation...

  3. Monica. I don't recall that at all and I haven't yet been able to find it. I wish that I had your memory. This is by no means the first time that you have recalled things I've said or done of which I have no memory at all. It's all getting very worrying.

  4. I in turn am beginning to feel a little like a spy or something, keeping record of all you did or said! ;) Although strictly speaking the record is your own. Here's the proof, a post from almost exactly a year ago, entitled Spooky or what

    If I ever come to visit, I know what I'll do before I leave the house...

  5. I have always admired your ability with languages which, I suppose, to a large extent requires a good memory; something I have never possessed. It does beg the question why the radio would have come on in the middle of the night last night.

    I shall try and remember not to make a similr posting next time it happens. I can't promise though!

  6. Fiona. I'm not quite sure to what your comment refers. There's nothing to see.

  7. By all means, do keep us posted about the radio ghost if it appears again. I just don't want you to have a heart attack...! ;) Did your friend David stay in that room or another one?

  8. I was sure you'd done a Voices in the Night post before, too. Good on Dawn Treader for posting the link to the previous post. I see I commented that I might post my Voices in the Night story the next day, haven't done it yet!!


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