Sunday, 11 July 2010

Mr Punch

A few days ago I posted about my arrival here on The Wirral at CJ and Jo’s in Je suis arrivé.  I ended it with a quote from Mr Punch of Punch and Judy fame.  I cannot recall when I last saw Punch and Judy but it must have been over 40 years ago so imagine the coincidence when CJ, Jo and I went to Erddig (about which I shall blog soon) yesterday and discovered that there was quite a lot of entertainment for children in the gardens including, you guessed it, a Punch and Judy show.  Anyway I managed to get a video of the famous line from Mr Punch “That’s the way to do it!” and this afternoon, whilst watching the British Grand Prix, I have learned how to use Picasa for MP4 videos (which is the format my camera uses and which Picasa does not recognise) and load them on to You-Tube. 


  1. That cracked me up! I'm sure you will become more confident with practise! :)

  2. Haha - and well done! My camera does not record sound, and I have not really had the energy to explore the mysteries of video-making yet... Maybe next year I'll get myself a new camera... hmmm...


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