Friday, 28 May 2010

Reed Bunting

When I was looking to see if I had posted on various birds in the Western Isles I was surprised when a search in the Blogger title bar for a Stonechat only showed one posting whereas I knew that there were at least three because I’d also used the word as a category.  It was then I seemed to recall something that Mark (nephew in law) had written about the subject of indexing many moons ago.  I realised that the Blogger search does not appear to include the title of the posting in the search.  I must remember always to include the appropriate words in the text as well.

Recently I’ve had a female Reed Bunting  (Emberiza schoeniclus) in the garden and on the bird table.  I cannot recall that happening before and the Reed Bunting has not appeared in the bird list in the sidebar of this blog.  Until a day or so ago I’d only seen the female on the feeder and I spent a bit of time trying to ensure that the bill was that of the Reed Bunting and not the Corn Bunting (which I wouldn’t have expected it to be really, but I had to check).  Now that I have identifiable photos, it is a Reed Bunting.  It is at times like this that I wished that I was not having to take the photos through a double glazed window and that I had Adrian’s lenses.  But then her mate (or suitor?) turned up when she was feeding.

DSC08922 DSC09104   DSC09112


  1. Don't think I ever heard the name of that bird (in any language) but the mid photo is really good with the bird so sharp against the blurry background.

  2. What a delightful visitor! Or should I say just another welcome visitor?

  3. The second picture is great.
    Thanks for the explanation I realised that categories were ignored but didn't know why. I ignore them myself now.

  4. Wonderful shots. I must get a feeder next trip to the supermarket.


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