Thursday 6 May 2010

I’m Here. Honest, I Am.

And my son, Gaz, has arrived this evening.  In fact from now until after the middle of June I have visitors most of the time.  In addition I have to make two, possibly three, journeys to Glasgow and beyond in that period.  Life’s good but life’s hectic.  And in the midst of all this I keep thinking about my friends in Blogland and wondering what they are up to.  Perhaps I’ll have more time now that I’ve had my eyes tested (new glasses), visited the dentist (a new rear crown is the prescribed treatment requiring two more appointments), had my bloods done for the cancer cell count (would you believe that when I was at the Doc’s this afternoon for a different check-up I forgot to ask for the results – I must be very worried mustn’t I?) and sorted out various other non-medical matters.  I gave up trying to solve the problems with my PC on my own and it’s in the Computer Hospital where they have diagnosed a fault on the mother board (a part should come tomorrow) and it may be a day or so before he is sent home.

I did manage to catch up with reading everyone’s blogs and do some ‘easy’ blogs too.  But I’ve fallen behind again.  Please know, though, that whilst I may not be spending as much time in Blogland or with my Blogland friends as usual, you are all in my thoughts. I haven’t deserted, honest I haven’t.


  1. I've wondered, glad you're doing well - you social man, you ♥

  2. No worries, GB. I have also been too long away from the keyboard of late. Life sometimes gets in the way, but like you, I am always thinking of my blog friends.

  3. I saw a movie in New Zealand once, never want to go there

  4. You must be feeling a new man. New eyes, new teeth (well, sort of). Hope you enjoy your time with your son.

  5. I guess living a "double life" like yours is bound to involve a lot of catching up whenever you move from one side of the earth to the other. After all there are still some things in life that cannot be dealt with via keyboard and screen!

  6. That's OK Robert. I'm sure that NZ can live without you. In fact I'm absolutely certain!

  7. Thanks for the reassuring post! I'll look forward to your return to blogland.

  8. Sometime real life takes over GB. Good.

    As for 'Robert', I've spent two minutes on his blog, found that he wrote this: "I told him that this is America and I can say whatever the hell I want.", summed him up and never want to go to planet Robert.


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