Thursday, 22 October 2009

A Wonderful Flight

Yesterday I travelled from Stornoway to Glasgow: a journey I have made many hundreds of times over the last 35 years.  There are four seats on the plane from which decent photos can be taken.  I was lucky enough yesterday to have one of those seats.  The Captain had spoken to us before we took off and she said that she would be flying lower than usual because it was such a wonderful day that she wanted us to enjoy the views.  I thought that I had become blasé about the beauty of flying.  Indeed I had.  But yesterday was magical.  I took 203 photos.  They may not do the scenes justice because they were taken into the sun through a fairly dirty window.  But there are five of them:

Looking south down the east coast of Lewis

The Schiant Isles off the east coast of Harris

The rest are over the west coast of Scotland and the Inner Hebrides


  1. These photos are absolutely breathtaking.

  2. Lucky blighter but you have made excellent use of your opportunity, All the best.

  3. GB, these are wonderful... So glad you got a good photo start to your journey! Mystery to me how you got time to put them on the blog ;) ...

  4. Graham, these are almost unreal - they're so amazingly beautiful, heavenly really :)

  5. What a wonderful start to your journey. Surely it must be hard leaving such beauty behind!

  6. Thank you very much everyone. I'm so glad that you liked them. It really was a great pleasure taking them and an even greater pleasure having friends to whom to show them.

  7. Magical is the perfect word for these! Oh, to see this in person!


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