Wednesday, 9 September 2009

A Refugee in the Kitchen

I had a refugee this afternoon.  He (or she?) found his way into the house and decided to be a bit of a nuisance.  Now despite my detestation of killing things had he been a wasp he would be dead.  As it was he is a Hover Fly Helophilus pendulus.  Leastways I'm pretty sure that he is but if the first comment is from Scriptor saying that I'm wrong then....   Anyway they like damp places and are fond of sunbathing on waterside vegetation.  Anyway I though he was a rather splendid fellow and once I had spoken softly to him he posed for me. Or perhaps in the absence of any pondside vegetation in my kitchen he just decided to sunbathe anyway.

 OLYMPUS   SP550UZ   ISO: 50  1/125 sec Aperture: 5.0   Focal Length: 9.8mm Super Macro


  1. Ohhhhhhhhh my goodness. The stuff of nightmares.

  2. No!! He's cute. If you think sheep are cute how can you not think he's cute too?

  3. I am ridiculously jealous of your macro lens.
    A quite pretty fellow! He would be easy to mistake for a wasp.

  4. Oh! He is a beauty, albeit a nuisance! I had to say "Awww" that you spoke softly to him! That is so very "me". He is a splendid fellow, or, what is the female conotation of fellow?
    Excellent pictures GB!!!

  5. Close but not quite, I think. I believe it's Helophilus trivittatus - a slightly larger, brighter species with ever so slightly different markings.

  6. I never thought I'd say this CJ but I remain to be convinced. The trivittatus isn't in my book but having done comparisons on the internet the markings on the end of the abdomen look more like a pendulus to me. But there again you are much more used to looking at these than I am.

  7. That beautiful creature is a FLY??!!

  8. Great photo, GB!!!!
    It is a beautiful creature up close like this.


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