Friday 28 August 2009

Spooky or What

I've had a friend whom I met in New Zealand but whose home is in Bishopbriggs near Glasgow staying with me this week. Hence my absence from Blogland. She left yesterday. So last night after doing odds and ends I decided, just before midnight, to relax for a while by watching an episode of West Wing on DVD. I was vaguely aware of voices but as I live alone I knew there should be no one else in the house. Yes I could definitely hear voices. So I looked outside. No voices. I listened. Voices. The problem was that they were quiet but they were definitely there. It took ages before I decided to do a tour of the rooms - after all I knew there was no one in them. It's not a large house - there are just nine rooms in total - and it's grown like topsy so it's quite an unusual layout. Anyway I eventually went into the main guest bedroom. There were the voices! Anna had presumably pushed a button on the alarm clock/radio at the side of the bed and it was chatting away to itself quite the thing. I laughed but was, I have to say, quite relieved. It had been a rather spooky experience.

The Culprit


  1. Was thinking that nine rooms was enormous, then counted spaces in the truck seven. Mind you two paces and I can cover the lot.

  2. HAhaha :) - I would have been second guessing my where-with-all...that would have droze me batty. You're much more patient than I, GB. I'd have ran around in search of the culprit for sure.

    Glad to know that it was just the clock radio :)

  3. Ohh, I've had that happen. And don't you feel so silly when you discover the culprit?? Reminds me to perhaps post the story about the night I heard voices....maybe tomorrow.

  4. Nine rooms! I do call that big...

    Hearing voices like that, alone in a house... I might have begun questioning my sanity... A few years ago I was in hospital getting some strong antibiotics and whatnot that combined had strange effects. Temporarily I got hearing hallucinations. It was a very odd feeling because at the same time I was reacting with logic: I'm hearing voices (no words distinguishable, just a sort of mumbling). There's no one here. So it's just in my head. So I'm hallucinating. OK. Hopefully it will pass... (and it did)... The human brain is very strange! Glad you found out it was a radio causing it. That's easier to turn off... ;)


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