Sunday, 23 August 2009

Moan, Moan, Moan

I've just finished an email to CJ. I don't think I'm one of the world's moaners but when I'd written it you wouldn't have known.

We in the UK were told by the weather forecasters that we were set for a barbecue summer. OK I know that I live on the edge of the world but it's still the UK and they didn't say that it would be a bbq summer except in North West Scotand's offshore Islands. To be fair and reasonable (another of my virtues - you gotta believe it) they can't be right all the time. and on the whole the UK's not had a good summer. But if I'd known that it was going to be so wet and cold and generally yuk I think I'd have emigrated. Or perhaps I'd just have been happy to accept it if I hadn't had my expectations raised. OK that's all nonsense. No one lives here with the expectation of sun and warmth but August with the central heating on and wearing a body warmer in the house. You gotta be joking. I like the heat!!!!

After all my US friends are all complaining on their blogs about the heat. My son, Gaz, is in a very hot Barcelona, friends who live in the Poitou-Charantes are sweltering, the South of England is baking in the heat, I'm watching the European Grand Prix in Valencia where it's nearly 40 deg centigrade and I've got the central heating on. Arghhhhh........


  1. 40* in summer??? Yikes!
    Unfulfilled expectations just plain suck. Off with their heads!

  2. Oh dear. I shall now think of you as The Red Queen!

  3. I'm afraid that I've always been partial to that phrase. Yes, it is sort of Red Queen-ish, but...

    Another phrase that I'm equally fond of is, "So, you've become a pirate then, Peter." From the movie Hook. We must have watched it a bizillion times when my kids were little. Another phrase from that movie was, "Oh, there you are Peter." We still say it to each other today. One of our very favorites!!!

  4. totall agree with you. Weather is pants!!!!


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