Saturday, 8 August 2009

Miss Muffet

It can be amazing what one finds when going through old papers and so on. I am completely useless at drawing and rarely attempt anything which vaguely requires an artistic hand - like writing my name! However I came across a sketch I'd drawn (presumably copied knowing me) back in the early 1960s and it amused me so I thought I'd share it:

I assume that my warped sense of humour was thinking of the following nursery rhyme at the time:

Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away
(or, in this case, didn't!)


  1. Love it! I am a smidgeon confused about what appears to be a spear in her head?

  2. I think it's supposed to be a bow! I said I wasn't a very good artist!

  3. Come on, need to give yourself a bit better credit! This is a very well done cartoon!!


  4. SO FUNNY! Knowing how you feel about them, I think you'd take a bit bigger swing at it!!!
    Great job on the cartoon!

  5. Such a humorous twist on this classic nursery rhyme! ...and it IS well done....


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