Thursday, 13 August 2009

I Can See 'Cos It's Gone Dark

I've had a very Good Day today. The despondency of yesterday had left when I rose this morning. It was no doubt helped by the fact that the sun was shining. I felt motivated and more like my usual self so when breakfast was over and Steve had left I got going.

This afternoon I finished the ceiling I was putting up in the Study. The Study was built in 1995 and since then I have been looking at ways of reducing the glare on the computer screens. It was so bad this year that CJ abandoned the Study and set up his laptop in the kitchen which has the same views as the Study. I tried all sorts of things except the most obvious which was to put in a ceiling that didn't let the light - and therefore the glare - in. So by late afternoon I had a new ceiling:

The blinds on the windows are all sun reflective so when the sun shines brightly onto the Study I can prevent it from shining into the Study. So now it is darker (which is a relative term 'cos it's still a very light and airy room) and I can see better.


  1. Clever.
    Yay! Let there be light. Or not.

  2. Whooppee. Looking forward to my next trip up to use it - only nine months or so...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Glad to hear the confirmation of prayer answered :)

    About the ceiling...since 1995? Oh my. Well, I'm very happy to hear that you've succeeded in finding a way to enjoy this room.

    ♥ to you

  5. HMMMM...I just noticed something. I am not being shown in your followers box and I am following are on all of my updates at my dashboard. I wonder if I should click the follow link again? Probably. I wonder if it's a blogger issue? I suppose that we're able to follow friends without showing up here, unless we actually click the button (?)

    So, how do you like this dizzy ramble?

    Love you.

  6. You were a follower. One of the first when I put 'followers' on this blog. When I just looked at the followers box you were not there. Odd. So I went into the dashboard > followers and you were there. Even odder. Back to the blog. You are now here. Even more odder and odder. But you are here. Never fear. After all 'twouldn't be the same without you!

  7. Glad you are feeling better, I'm on line so catching up.

  8. :)

    Now, I want to know how to put myself listed as your friend, where Scriptor and shabbygirl are.

  9. I'm very puzzled, Heather. You are a follower in the same place as Scriptor and Shabbygirl (and 14 others) when I look at it in Firefox or IE8. I've tried signed in and not signed in. I remember, though, on your blog at some time when an alteration was made SS and I both appeared above the followers as well as in the followers. Are SS and SG appearing separately in when you look at my blog?


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