Sunday, 19 July 2009

The World Will Never Be The Same

The MV Isle of Lewis today had her first scheduled Sunday ferry sailing - ever. The largest of the Outer Hebrides, Lewis was, until today, the only Island not to have any Sunday ferry service. Until now that has suited Caledonian MacBrayne who run the ferry services to the Islands but the introduction of road equivilent tarrif fares and the increase in traffic resulting from it has now made it worthwhile. Whilst there is a vociferous minority who are opposed to the Sunday service on Sabatarian grounds and some who feel that it will spoil the Island's Sunday in other ways it would seem that a very large proportion of the Island's population will welcome the new service. Not long ago there was opposition to the introduction of Sunday flights to Stornoway and now the flights on Sunday are exceptionally busy.

MV Isle of Lewis raising her bow for the first scheduled Sunday intake of cars

The route

Who stated that The European Union (which Caledonian MacBrayne are alleged to have cited as the reason for having the new service) did not have a right to overrule the word of Christ. (I think I have paraphrased him correctly)

Members of the Lords Day Observance Society opposing the new service

And those applauding the action

Cars waiting to board the ferry which carried an almost capacity vehicle cargo.

Photos are from the television news programmes


  1. Well, what do you think GB?
    Glad Game?
    No game?
    It seems good to me, but what do I know...I'm not there....

  2. Neat reporting, do they open the pubs on Sundays as well?

  3. Cynthia: I'm very much in favour of Sunday sailings. I wouldn't like to see the supermarkets open on Sunday but I have been told that some Tesco staff already work Sunday although the Coop don't. We do have a shop/pertol station open on Sunday and it is exceptionally busy. No staff were asked to work but the people queueing for the Sunday jobs certainly didn't indicate a reluctance or shortage of volunteers.

    I like the quiet Sunday for myself but when I worked a 6 day week I would have loved to have been able to relax and 'work' in the garden on Sunday. However my immediate neighbours are the best neighbours anyone could ever wish for and I would not have upset them for the world.

  4. Adrian: Some of the hotels do open openly on Sunday and one can get a meal on Sunday now. Some pubs have always opened but have done so only behind closed doors (and legally because licences are for 7 days). What wasn't seen......


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