Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Naval Exercise Joint Warrior

From 6th to 16th October the UK's three armed forces together with those of eight other countries are taking place in Europe's biggest military exercise - Joint Warrior - off the West Coast of Scotland. Quite a lot of activity is visible in the Minch between Lewis and the Mainland. A lot of it has been too far away and in very inclement weather conditions making photography impossible but today I had some opportunities as two of the Country's Invincible Class Aircraft Carriers showed off their paces.

One thing which has impressed me recently is the Royal Navy's website which is informative and interesting.

HMS Cambletown F86

An Aircraft Carrier in the far distance

Three aircraft approaching

Second aircraft just landing

The final one on its run in

The Carrier then steamed across the Minch and turned South a few miles to the East of Eagleton. It turned out to be HMS Illustrious Pennant RO6 of 22,000 tonnes and 210 m long.

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