Saturday, 20 September 2008

Montbretia v Crocosmia

When I was a child I loved the clumps of Montbretia which we had in the garden and it has stayed a favourite ever since.  I have a fairly big display in the garden but the Montbretia in the wild around here are spectacular at this time of year.  Although, unfortunately, the recent rain has discoloured the flowers that does not detract from the overall visual effect.  On the road down to the beach and Bayble Pier the flowers stretch all the way down at the side of the stream. Unfortunately no photo that I've taken has even come near to representing the true effect.

To me the plants will always be known by their common name of Montbretia although now they appear to be more often referred to by their genus: Crocosmia.

1 comment:

  1. Love the bottom photo but then this workshop (or whatever) is one of my favourite buildings in Bayble.


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