Sunday 10 August 2008

The Kawaka Ranges

I had an email from Jayne in Napier this morning. This is the view from her back garden (using zoom, of course) of the Kawaka Ranges. That and the news that despite the cold 34 people turned up for croquet yesterday. It's all making me feel quite homesick.

I've just realised that this is the first time I've ever mentioned croquet in the Eagleton Notes. I bet that it won't be the last time.


  1. I was going to ask you to define 'home' as in homesick. But have concluded that home is where the mallet is...

  2. Scriptor beat me to it. 'Home' ? Maybe one just gets sick for wherever one isn't. The grass is greener? Ou sont les neiges d'Anton ?

  3. Oops. D'Antan is what it should be. Bummocks!


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