Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Royal Regiment Video

A number of people, in response to my last post, said that they would have liked to have seen and heard the Royal Regiment of Scotland at the ceremony.

There is a short video which those who want to view and listen may like.

It can be seen by cutting and pasting either of the following URLs into the search bar:



Good luck and enjoy.

Saturday, 21 September 2024


For those of you who might like to see some of Scotland's 'finest' in their regalia here are a few pictures of the recent granting of the Freedom of The Western Isles to the Royal Regiment of Scotland. The ceremony took place in the open air in Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis on the 14 September. Fortunately it wasn't raining (for a change).

After the Guards Regiments the Royal Regiment of Scotland takes precedence  as the  first infantry regiment in the UK army.

Britain may not be the country it was at the height of its pomp and glory but it certainly knows how to put on a fancy dress show.