Friday, 17 July 2015

Brighter Morn

At 0630 this morning it was pouring very heavily (so CJ tells me). I was up before that but didn't look outside and went back to bed and slept until 0710 when I a beautiful sunny morning.

It was a

We went to town and around 1100 there were people actually drinking coffee in the square in the open air! OK so they weren't in open necked shirts and shorts but they were in the open air! That's not a sight you see very often in Stornoway. 

The Marina was full with many yachts from afar including La Puerta from Denmark. The marquee is one of a number in the Lews Castle Grounds for the Hebridean Celtic Festival which is on this weekend.


  1. When the sun is a rare visitor we get all the more eager to make the most of the time, don't we... ;) That could be spring time or early summer in Sweden too.

    1. Well Monica this is supposed to be full summer and I have to admit that in the sun one day this week when there was no wind it actually reached the dizzy heights of 17 ºC. In NZ I'd have regarded that as cold!

  2. Ah, it looks beautifully old fashioned!

  3. Ah, it looks beautifully old fashioned!

    1. Jenny in many ways it is. Do you know when I wrote that I got a distinct sense of déjà vu!

  4. Ooh ~ festival. Are we going? Please? Please?

    1. Sorry Carol. I did go some years ago and enjoyed it (and was even standing chatting to someone and standing next to Van Morrison) and I know if I went I'd meet many many people I know and have plenty of catching up. However there are other considerations unfortunately so Im giving it a miss.

  5. I wanna go too! The orange boat is certainly a stand-out of the other boats.

    1. Norma the orange boat is our deep sea lifeboat.

  6. Looks like a gorgeous day. Are you and John going to the Celtic Festival? xoxo DeeDee/Carol

    1. DeeDee CJ's situation would make it completely out of the question and I might go again one day but not this year (as I've been saying for the last few years).

  7. Looks to be a lovely day for loitering by the harbour. Surely you wouldn't have missed the festival! Last Saturday I had a chuckle when we drove past the place where you and I gate crashed that wedding while looking for a fete/festival.

    1. Pauline next time you come we can go to the festival and spend three evenings in a quagmire in the rain eaten by midges listening to bands. We've had some interesting experiences on our expeditions!

  8. I agree that the big orange boat detracts from the marina. Some folk have no taste.
    A clamber round the fishing vessels would yield some good HDR.

  9. Right here, right now, if there aren't that many people to be seen out in the streets it is because it is too hot for their liking... above 30 Celsius every day, and not cooling down much during the night... no rain worth speaking of in weeks... I'm not complaining, because it is summer, after all, but even I won't be undertaking anything too strenuous when it is like that.

    1. Meike so long as it's not humid I can cope with 30ºC but I'd not want to do any heavy labour and air-conditioning would be good at night.

  10. Lovely orange lifeboat. Having seen some horrendous seas in The Minch - doesn't it make you feel much safer to know that she is looking after us. Long may she remain in the harbour - at least then we know that all is well "out there".

    1. Spesh it's amazing how well looked after we are here in the UK with our emergency services and the lifeboat and rescue helicopters.

  11. Gourmet Street Food? I guess that in Stornoway that means chips!

    1. You'd be surprised YP. I've never had anything from it but my son (who is both a superb cook and eats in superb restaurants all over the world) is impressed. Stornoway isn't rural Yorkshire you know.


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