Sunday, 21 June 2015

The Hebridean Cycle Challenge

I spent a good bit of yesterday being a roadie for our son Gaz who was taking part in the Hebridean Cycle Challenge (or Facebook).  There are a number of possible options but Gaz chose to do do the road race from Stornoway to Meavaig and then the mountain bike stage from Meavaig to the Scaladale Centre. Even at my fittest that would have been a challenge too far for me. Because of the various permutations (one could do one or both stages or have a partner do the second stage either by mountain bike or running) when we left for home we still didn't know what Gaz's result was and as I post this it hasn't been published either.

Even bikes have GPS computers these days
The start
A slight respite
The long and winding road (and some trees!)
Climbing the Clisham
Finishing the road race
Setting off on the mountain bike stage 
Disappearing into the mist
The Finish


  1. Dear gods, what a feat! I am duly impressed. How many km or miles is the mountain bike stage? It looks like a great track for running, the opposite of boring! No matter his results, the fact alone that Gaz made it from start to finish is more than most of us would be able to achieve, I suppose.

    1. Meike it's about 12 miles (19 k) but there are several exceptionally steep climbs. It's certainly not boring with some wonderful scenery and, I think the largest overhang in the Uk above you. It's not a good route for scenery watching though! There were not many people who did both sectors.

  2. I'm Knackered just looking at the pictures.

  3. My gosh ~ you appear to have been everywhere to keep up with Gaz and get those shots. Great scenery GB. Lots of questions, but I might just look at their website.

    1. Carol getting past the cyclists on the road needed care but I was astonished how fast they went.

  4. Love your views of the long and winding road... Probably no need to tell you that I'd rather watch it from a car than a bike, though! :)

    1. I'm with you there Monica. Mind you lots of people did the charity ride from Stornoway to Scaladale and that's a fair distance with quite a lot of climbing.

  5. Greta riding. Eve did the Scaladale ride and then rode home. Enjoyed it too

    1. I saw Eve at Scaladale Andrea but I was rather too shy to say hello. Now I wish that I had.

  6. These are amazing events. congratulations to Gaz for being competitive in such a challenging sport.

  7. Pretty darned good in my book, too. Congratulations to Gaz. I go for a long walk these days and pull up lame. You got some great photos!

    1. Thanks Pauline. I'll pass them on. Yes a long walk for me is out at the moment until I do something about a new knee.

  8. Well done, both of you! Great photos, GB, and great job, Gaz! xoxo DeeDee

  9. Congratulations to Gaz!!!
    You did exceptionally well in keeping up with him to take these great photos...well done.

    1. Virginia I had the advantages of being in a motor vehicle!


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