Sunday, 24 May 2015



  1. Didn't "get" the joke until I read Adrian's reply. Well done!

  2. OK I have given it five minutes but I still don't get the joke. (I can hear you now, Mr. Edwards, saying, "oh, those dim-whitted Americans!")

  3. The more comments added here, the less sure I get if I'm seeing all there is to it or not!

  4. My apologies to those who have commented. This was the first post I have scheduled using Blogo and something went wrong. The image reduced so that the words that should have been the focus of attention were the smallest. The point was "Stornoway - Paris - New York". Or perhaps it's not that funny and just amused me.

    1. That's what I thought! But then I started wondering if perhaps there was something else as well that I was missing!

    2. No Monica you were bang on target.

  5. I once saw a mechanical coin-operated kiddie's horse in front of a grocery store with a sign on it, "The horse is out of order." I stood and laughed like an idiot, because all I could think of was some sort of committee meeting, and the chairman banging his gavel and shouting, "The horse is out of order!" People walking past no doubt thought I was nuts!

    1. Oh DeeDee that is so funny. I've just been recounting it and all agree. I shall never look at a horse again without thinking of that. Doubtless at some stage someone in a while coat will come and take me away.

    2. Doyou remember the old song, "They're coming to take me away - ha ha " or some such nonsense? LOL
      Hugs, DeeDee

    3. I remember it well DeeDee. The only problem is that I always used to get confused (it's very easy to confuse me though) and think that it was a song by The Scaffold back in the sixties. It took me years to get it into my head that it was by an American (whose name I can no longer remember but I do recall that he called I'm self Napoleon Something on the label).

  6. Thanks for the chuckle. Those Small Job vans we saw in Mangonui come to mind.

  7. I love to see funny things on vans. In New Zealand we saw a van that said "Don't sleep with a drip - call xxx plumber" (can't remember the name of the plumbers, but I am sure I would use them if I lived there!)

    1. Jenny there is a company in Christchurch that uses that slogan although I can't remember its name (not that that matters to either of us!)..


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