Friday, 15 May 2015

I've Reduced The Pile

This morning I decided (for the umpteenth time) that enough was enough. The pile really had to be reduced. I've been making considerable headway with the clearing out of the garage and my garden shed and the 'to do' lists for them have reduced to a single page each. However the myriad of scraps of paper and half-completed lists of emails, letters, blog posts, jobs-around-the-house, gardening take, and so on (not to mention the 'things-to-be-got/done-in-Glasgow' had become such that I was embarrassing myself by their multiplicity and beginning to get slightly apprehensive (i.e. terrified) by what I might find if (when) I read them. So before I set off for the gym this morning I started and I have now (afternoon coffee time) finished. The lists and scraps are reduced to five paper lists (several on my iPhone) and a shopping list. The shredder needs emptying. 

I have, of course, resolved never to let it get that bad again: fat chance.

Please tell me I'm not alone in all this.

On the plus side the garden shed and the garage are Really Tidy and I'm getting things Really Organised. Even my winter tyres are stored. The fact that I should have done this 20 years ago is beside the point. 


  1. Congratulations. Looks like a job well done! Of course you are not alone; and as the saying goes - better late than never... :)

    1. Thank you Monica. Perhaps this evening some of the emails I owe will get written!

  2. Graham, I can't tell you how alone you aren't! You should see our indoor shed (ie that which would be a shed if we had one). It's an absolute disgrace. I keep thinking, tomorrow.......

    1. Ah, Frances, the feeling of satisfaction is immense. All I need to do now is actually do the rest of the things on the 'to do' lists. Sometimes I wish that I wasn't a list person.

  3. I've reduced the pile ~> the shredder needs emptying. Are we to assume that whatever was once there in the garage has been shredded?

    1. Perhaps you just shredded all the ToDoLists ~> that would take care of them and reduce them.

    2. Carol I just shredded all the bits of paper and old lists (of which there really were dozens) and ended up with just five organised 'to do' lists.

    3. my winter tyres are stored ~ fat chance ~ enough was enough ~ the pile really had to be reduced ~ I set off for the gym :)
      (it is stupid o'clock here)

    4. Carol I often look at posts shortly after pressing the button and posts which I imagined were models of clarity often even confuse me. It's a problem with trying to be spontaneous after a career being meticulously pedantic with my writings (which combination of words may be tautological or merely pleonastic).

    5. You were perfectly clear Graham ~ my brain was just making silly word connections and being naughty.

  4. I am impressed, Graham! It looks Really Tidy & Organised.
    No gym for me today, as I have come down with a sore throat and a weird "blocked" left ear. I miss it! (The gym, not the ear.)

    1. Meike I'm sorry to hear about the ear (no pun intended) and the sore throat. I hope they don't spoil your weekend. I thought you would appreciate 'tidy and organised' because I can't actually imagine you ever letting things get disorganised in the first place.

  5. I don't think my garage will ever look like that! But my to do list is very short. Do the washing... Visit Jaz, visit Mum and Dad, sleep. Simple priorities...

    1. Fiona in a way I really envy you. Ironically my life in New Zealand was much more like that: croquet or family or friends.

  6. I am sorry to be the one who has to ask but why make a list? A procrastinators dream is a list, my best mate had a masters degree in it.
    Why keep old tyres?

    1. Adrian the tyres are new. I use winter tyres in winter and summer tyres in summer. It's the new craze. Procrastination is the thief of time. Just thought I'd throw that it. In any case I'm far too busy making lists to procrastinate.

  7. Good for you!!!
    Don't you feel good now that you've got it all done? Sip some wine and relax and make another To Do's inevitable.

    1. Virginia I'm not sure how I missed this comment but I have sipped wine and made more lists and even reduced the number of items of the existing ones.

  8. I'm a random chaotic. I admit that things get pretty bad before I do something. Now don't leave those bikes hanging on the wall. Get out and ride the bikes.

    1. That's really good advice Red. I shall start riding again. I shall start riding again. I shall!

  9. When I think of all the things I could store in a garage if I had one, I give thanks that I don't have to keep them all tidy. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone except me. I'm a recent list maker, and with it a new kind of shorthand. Maybe it is more a much deteriorated handwriting. Sometimes I can't make out what an item on my list means. Ah well.

    1. It made perfect sense to me Pauline. I was born a lists person and, presumably (and hopefully), I'll die one. As for not always knowing what an item means you are definitely not alone. With me it's use of cryptic shortcuts.

  10. Very impressive. When you Get It All Sorted, I hope you don't get too holy and forget us all here still in MessyLand.

    1. Kate I shall make sure that I never Get It All Sorted. What would I do then? And you have been one of the most impressive minimisers in the last year or so.

  11. I wonder how writing lists starts? I never used to but the last few years I have - more often and not things don't get completed...but it sure does feel good crossing them off when they are! I am still slowly chugging away at my clearing and sorting and tidying...and am no where near the Really Tidy and Organised yet...but there is always Hope as I keep telling myself...probably while I am procrastinating through doing things that aren't on my list, but often more interesting!

    1. Serenata I obviously didn't go through my list entitled "Check Previous Posts"! I can so relate to your comment!


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