Saturday, 23 May 2015

A Wee Trip

A week or so ago I decided that I would take a wee trip on Wednesday to Glasgow to see a friend for a few days. That involved an 0500 start. Why is it that for the previous two mornings I had been up well before 0600 but on the morning that I had to get up I didn't really want to? That's a rhetorical question (complete with ?) but it is always thus. Mind you the second I'm up I'm good and raring to go. I decided that I would go on deck for the leaving of the ferry, MV Loch Seaforth, from Stornoway's No 3 Pier. It was a cold but pleasant morning.

A few people have suggested that they would like to see more of the Island upon which I live so this summer I shall try and do more posts of the Islands. This is a start showing the town of Stornoway as we sail out of the harbour.

A few of the landmarks
MV Isle of Lewis berthed at No 1 Pier
We have three ferries here at the moment. I'l post about why on another occasion. 
Part of the South Beach Quay with the Lews Castle Grounds as a backdrop.
No 2 Pier is used for the fuel delivery ships and 40 years ago was covered, in season, with barrels being filled with salt herring.
The long-closed Caledonian Hotel where, back in the 70s, friends and I gathered on a Friday evening.
The first night I ever stayed on the Island was spent in the bedroom with the window second from the left on the top floor.
The old Harbour Master's Watchroom. The door behind the white van also led decades ago to the chair of John the Barber.
The Stornoway Town Hall. No longer used as a proper town hall but still a civic building.
The Stornoway Town Council met in the Council Chamber on the right of the building on the first floor.
It was in a committee room on the first floor to the right of the main entrance that I was offered the job that brought me to the Island.
MV Isle of Lewis with the recently renovated and restored Lews Castle. 
Lews Castle. At the top right of the picture can be seen the top of the Stornoway War Memorial


  1. Most excellent photos Graham, and thank you for sharing them. How is it that you never pursued public office on the Isle in all the time you have been living there?

    1. Carol if by that you mean a political position any show of political partisanship would have made my job very difficult. Until 10 years or more after I retired no one had any idea what my politics were: not even my wife.

  2. An excellent set. Renovated castle, new ferry, a big CO-OP, what's next?

  3. Fabulous Graham, I love to see pictures and read more about the area in which you live.

    1. Serenata I hope to do many more of the Island over the summer.

  4. This was very interesting, thank you!
    I had no idea that you came originally to the island for work. Somehow I had always assumed you had come here after retiring. I know - I've never done the maths properly, you are far too young to have retired as many years ago as you've been living on Lewis!
    Most intriguing is the name thing. The castle is Lews, the island is Lewis. Any connection there, or coincidence?

    1. Yes Meike I came here to work with the intention of staying for two years. That was 40 years ago! The subject of the name of the Lews Castle merits a post of its own. I've made a note!

  5. Your island of Lewis has much grander buildings on the shore than any that are on Beaver Island (Michigan). My cousins owned a summer home there so I spent some time with them through the years thoroughly enjoying respite from TV and other noise.. Since they both have died, their children sold the home.

    1. Oddly, Norma, I do know where Beaver Island is although I've never been over to it. Many of the buildings on Lewis are quite old and, in a way, grand.

  6. Glad to see you had calm waters "for once" :) ... Also providing a good opportunity to share these lovely views of Stornoway with us! I now feel I have a better idea of the "layout" of the town. What is in Lews Castle nowadays?

    1. Monica the Lews Castle is just in the finishing stages of restoration and there a proposals for use as a museum and also for luxury self-catering accommodation as well as an events venue. Hopefully when more details have been finalised I'll be able to let you know more.

  7. Yes , keep on with photos of your island. It's beautiful and has a rich history.

  8. It looks absolutely beautiful. It's a shame the Caledonian Hotel is closed; it looks like a beautiful building. Change can be difficult to cope with, but it's good that the buildings have remained even if they're not used for their original purposes. xoxox DeeDee

    1. DeeDee it's not a bad wee town (but I would say that!). I think the Caledonian Hotel, like several other hotels, just couldn't stay financially viable. The tourist season on the Island is quite short and drinking habits have changed too with fewer people driving.

  9. I thoroughly enjoyed these photos from your neck of the woods....keep on posting more....I love reading about different places and lifestyles.

    1. I shall Virginia. I'm glad that you enjoy them.

  10. This was a grand introduction to your town.

  11. I'm glad you chose a calm day for these photos, the reflections add to the charm. I had no idea the castle was so close to the waterfront. And the other buildings have more character than I thought. Goodness know where my impressions have come from!


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